The 8 Main Symptoms of AIDS

The Main Symptoms of Aids.  A lot is said about AIDS , but in reality, the majority of the population, in fact, knows little about it. In addition, known for being one of the most serious viral infections, HIV is frightening for two main reasons, the first being its very high mortality rate and the second the fact that there is still no cure that effectively eliminates the virus .

On the other hand, in recent years, patients with the disease have benefited and led a better quality of life, due to the famous cocktails that do not cure, but treat the disease, in order to minimize its losses.

What is Aids: When we talk about the first symptoms of Aids  , in turn, we need to understand that the very first symptoms appear approximately 21 days after contamination with the virus .

What makes the situation really alarming is that most infected people end up confusing these signs with a simple flu or viral infection, that is, it is common for a carrier of the virus to  simply ignore it or not even want to remember that they ever felt like this. , and consequently not seeking help, delaying the start of treatment, and also unintentionally contaminating other people, precisely because they do not know they have the disease. For you to have a general idea of ​​this situation, it is known for example that here in Brazil, 1 in 5 infected people still do not know they have the virus .

These initial symptoms that appear in the so-called “Acute HIV infection”, that is, those that appear days after contamination are:

  • persistent fever
  • Sore throat (pharyngitis)
  • Red spots or small rashes on the skin
  • Pain all over the body
  • night sweats
  • Recurrent genital or oral thrush
  • Weight loss
  • Breathing problems

Disease Contagion:  The issue of disease contagion still generates a lot of prejudice among people, it is necessary to combat the lack of information with correct facts, because otherwise, prejudice and chaos in society are established in a case that can be solved in a very simple way with proper treatment.

The ways of contagion of the disease are through:

  • blood ;
  • Sperm;
  • Vaginal secretion ;
  • By Breast Milk;
  • Blood transfusion and sharing of contaminated syringes.
  • Even if the carrier of the virus  does not show symptoms, there is already a possibility of passing the virus  to someone else.

In this way, if you live with a person who has AIDS, it is important to know that some forms of common contact are NOT ways of contagion, such as:

  • Kiss on the face or mouth;
  • Hug;
  • Stay in the same physical space;
  • Masturbation;
  • Sweat or tear;
  • Bug bite;
  • Soap, towels or sheets;
  • cutlery and glasses;
  • Bus seat;
  • Handshake;
  • Bathroom;
  • Through the air;
  • Pool.


In view of the ways of contagion of this disease, the most indicated and common ways to avoid contracting the disease are:

  • Use condoms in all sexual relations : anal, oral and in the vagina ;
  • Do not share syringes, needles or sharp objects;
  • Contaminated Blood Transfusion .

Treatment:  Unfortunately, AIDS is still an incurable disease, but there are specific treatments for HIV-positive individuals to lead a normal life. Treatment is provided free of charge by the Government through the SUS.

There are more than 15 anti-retroviral drugs, they delay the onset of the disease and also provide a quality of life for the virus carrier , they act directly in reducing the viral load and also in the reconstitution of the patient’s immune system.

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