The 5 Ingredients that Increase Energy Expenditure

Do you diet but not lose weight? The cause could be your sugar intake. it impairs the ability to remove fat. metabolism slows down and changes occur in organs such as the liver and kidneys. In addition, thermogenic foods are capable of accelerating metabolism, increasing body temperature, a phenomenon called thermogenesis. With this increase in body temperature, we start to spend more calories. This expense is around 5% to 10% in relation to the normal energy expenditure of our metabolism.

That’s why these thermogenic ingredients are great allies in weight loss diets. They also help in the thermogenic effect , most of these ingredients have important anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action, fighting free radicals, which are largely responsible for premature aging.

Green Tea: Green tea increases energy expenditure Naturally, accelerating metabolism and helping the functioning of digestive enzymes. In addition, green tea causes the oxidation of fats significantly. The thermogenic effect is due to the combination of caffeine and polyphenols, which are naturally present in Camellia Sinensis, the plant that gives rise to green tea and other teas (red tea, white tea and yellow tea). For this reason, the metabolism rate increases and we spend more energy. If consumption is associated with physical activity, the result is enhanced. Also know how to lose weight in a fast and healthy way, WITHOUT SUFFERING and without sweating in gyms…

Ginger : Gingeris an excellent source of thermogenic substances, such as gingerol, which increases caloric expenditure and metabolism. In addition, it is recommended to consume 1 or 2 pieces of 1 cm of ginger daily. It can also be grated and used as a seasoning, or in the form of teas and juices.

Red Pepper: Red pepper is an ingredient that most stimulates the production of heat by the body, due to the presence of a substance called capsaicin, this substance favors the increase in the breakdown of fats in adipose tissue. It increases metabolic activity by up to 20% if ingested in the amount of three grams per day, and can be added to salads and hot dishes as a seasoning. however, it is not indicated in cases of gastritis or other sensitivities and restrictions.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon hasa stimulating action and increases body temperature, cinnamon has a high content of mineral calcium, an important substance for weight loss. It is also not an easy food to consume in large quantities due to its strong flavor, so it is recommended to consume two teaspoons a day that can be used in juices!

Black Beans: Black  Beans are a good source of complex carbohydrates, this complex carbohydrates Provides more energy to the body and does not accumulate in fats, on the contrary, it helps to burn localized fat.

Some of these ingredients are not suitable for those who have any food allergies or restrictions, such as red pepper  and cinnamon . Other foods such as green tea, guarana powder, caffeine, etc., are not recommended for pregnant women, hypertensive patients and people with sleep disorders. What do you think about LOSING FINALLY in a fast and healthy way, WITHOUT SUFFERING and without sweating in gyms ? Seems interesting? so let me explain how, Click here and See !
, it is worth remembering that our metabolismis influenced by several factors such as sex, age, height, weight, physical activities, among others. Eating little, healthy and several times a day are strong principles of longevity and quality of life.

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