The 27 Health Benefits of Green Tea
The Health Benefits of Green Tea are varied because Green Tea has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for overall body health. In addition, Green Tea is a type of tea made from the infusion of the plant Camellia sinensis.
It is called green because the leaves of the herb suffer little oxidation during processing, which does not happen with the leaves of the black tea. Some other herbs are sold as green tea, but the real green tea is made from the leaf of the camellia sinensis bush.
Very popular in China and Japan, recently began to be consumed more frequently in the West, traditional consumer of black tea, due to both an Orientalist tendency, and the antioxidant properties attributed to it. In the west, it is from Portugal, more exactly in the town of Gorreana, on the island of São Miguel, in the Azores, that there is the oldest green tea plantation, which exports green tea to the whole world.
News of the week:
Nutritional Value of Green Tea:
- Green Tea is a calorie-free moisturizing drink whose consumption is recommended up to eight cups per day.
- One cup of tea is 99.5% water. Green Tea is the second to water water as an ideal drink choice for body hydration.
- So don’t forget that a key ingredient of Green Tea is water; The better the water, the better the tea.
- Green Tea is an exceptionally good source of antioxidants and alkaloids.
- It is believed that there are no calories in Green Tea without additives or sweeteners. But all teas and coffees contain a few calories – but very few.
- Green Tea contains several vitamins such as A, D, E, C, B, B5, H and K.
- It is a rich source of manganese and has many other beneficial minerals such as Zinc, Chromium and Selenium.
- The most important active component in Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Green Tea (EGCG) is often an antioxidant more powerful than vitamin C or vitamin E.
- It contains caffeine, but the caffeine content of Green Tea is very low compared to other sources of caffeine.
The preparation of green tea differs somewhat from traditional teas. The water should not be boiling, because otherwise the leaves end up being cooked and providing a bitter taste to the drink. The infusion time should also not be longer than 3 minutes. So check out The 26 Benefits of Green Tea For Health:
The 27 Health Benefits of Green Tea
Benefits of Green Tea For Being Rich in Antioxidants: Antioxidants are chemicals that are responsible for fighting other molecules, such as free radicals. Green Tea is a rich source of antioxidants and, thanks to this, is an ally in the prevention of chronic diseases and problems of premature aging of the skin.
Benefits of Green Tea To Prevent Cancer: Studies have shown that Green Tea has important properties that are promising as a method to reduce the risk of developing different types of cancers.
In research conducted by McGill University in Montreal (Canada), it was found that the antioxidants contained in this Green Tea can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In another analysis, a decrease in the risk of lung cancer was observed. Other Chinese studies have linked the consumption of Green Tea with decreased risk of developing cancer of the stomach, pancreas, esophagus, prostate and colorectal.
Benefits of Green Tea For Heart Health: The high antioxidant content in Green Tea makes it an ally to regulate bad cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent it from being installed in blood vessels. Because of this, it is considered that regular consumption of Green Tea can reduce cardiac risks and other problems related to cardiovascular health.
Benefícios do Chá Verde Para Melhorar a saúde do Fígado: O fígado é o órgão responsável por filtrar as toxinas que se acumulam na corrente sanguínea e podem afetar a saúde. No entanto, excesso de toxinas pode afetar sua saúde e impedir o funcionamento correto. Uma xícara de Chá Verde por dia pode ser o impulso para limpar o fígado e verifique se ele está funcionando corretamente. O consumo regular de Chá Verde ajuda a evitar danos causados por substâncias tóxicas, tais como álcool e impede a inflamação.
Benefícios do Chá Verde Para a Ajudar a Perder Peso: Está cientificamente provado que beber Chá Verde ajuda a prevenir e reduzir o excesso de peso corporal. Uma investigação determinou que o poder de oxidação de gordura do Chá Verde tinham participantes ajudaram a perder peso durante um período de três meses.
Além disso, também foi determinado que ajuda a ativar o metabolismo, melhora a capacidade de queimar calorias e atua como um cardioprotetor.
Benefícios do Chá Verde Para Como Apoio digestivo: O Chá Verde tem um efeito laxante suave que pode ajudar a prevenir e tratar a constipação, bem como ter propriedades para reduzir os gases, inchaço e outros problemas digestivos.
Benefits of Green Tea To Prevent Diabetes: The properties of this tea can help blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes. Recent research has shown that Green Tea can help prevent the development of type 1 diabetes in addition to controlling type 2 diabetes.
Benefits of Green Tea To End Bad Breath: In traditional Chinese medicine has used Green Tea as a gumshield, able to prevent oral infections as well as help control bad breath problems.
Benefits of Green Tea To Prevent Arthritis: Several investigations have determined that Green Tea has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory action that can be very useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. The consumption of this tea can help stop the inflammatory response as well as cartilage degradation in people suffering from these diseases.
Benefits of Green Tea To Strengthen the Immune System: Its high content of antioxidants combined with vitamins and minerals Green Tea is one of the best natural allies of the immune system.
The properties of green tea have been shown to be effective in treating different types of infections in addition to common respiratory problems such as colds and flu.
Benefits of Green Tea To Fight Skin Diseases: A 2007 study concluded that Green Tea could be promising as a new treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis and dandruff. Researchers have studied an animal model for inflammatory skin diseases, often characterized by patches of dry, red and scaly skin caused by inflammation and overproduction of skin cells. Those treated with green tea showed slower growth of skin cells and the presence of a gene that regulates cell life cycles.
Benefits of Green Tea To Prevent Alzheimer’s: In a study published in 2011, researchers tested the effect of a green tea component, Cagte (or Green Tea extract available in the colon), after it was digested, to see how it affected a key protein in Alzheimer’s disease.
The Alzheimer’s Society commented that “this study adds to previous research that suggests that Green Tea may help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. However, researchers used a much higher dose of the active chemical of Green Tea than would ever be found in the human body More research is needed to see if Green Tea is protective at a much lower dose and to understand the mechanism involved.”
Benefits of Green Tea To Lower Cholesterol: An analysis of studies published in 2011 found that the consumption of Green Tea, such as drink or capsule form, was related to significant but modest reductions in total and LDL or “bad” cholesterol.
Benefits of Green Tea For How Anti-Depressants: Theain eather is an amino acid naturally found in green tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and soothing effect and be a great benefit to Green Tea drinkers.
Benefits of Green Tea As Anti-viral and Antibacterial: Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents that make them effective for treating everything from flu to cancer. In some studies, Green Tea has been shown to inhibit the spread of many diseases.
Benefits of Green Tea To Treat Vitiligo: Apparently, a protein found in Green Tea protects healthy skin cells so that they are not attacked by the immune system and there are more white spots in the same form.
Benefits of Green Tea To Reduce Lupus Symptoms: It can help reduce oxidative stress of cells and thus reverse the damage caused by inflammation of tissues, one of the main characteristics of lupus.
Benefits of Green Tea To Combat Genital Warts: According to scientific studies, the consumption of catechins present in Green Tea can be very beneficial to combat the spread of HPV or genital warts. The EGCG may be responsible for inhibiting the cell cycle is multiplying HPV.
Benefits of Green Tea To Prevent Kidney Stones: Due to its antioxidant power, Green Tea prevents and removes calcifications. That is, it reduces the production and size of calcium oxalate deposits, which are then sedimentation in the kidneys, forming calculations.
Benefits of Green Tea To Fight Allergies: Catechins would be responsible for blocking certain components that cause allergies, particularly seasonal.
Benefits of Green Tea To Prevent Glaucoma: The high content of polyphenols in Green Tea is what gives it its powerful antioxidant that can prevent cellular oxidative stress. This is what causes different types of degenerative diseases, such as glaucoma case.
Benefits of Green Tea To Fight The Prostate: Its great capacity of Green Tea to regenerate the tissue is conferred by its content rich in catechins, which provide antioxidant power. For this reason, it has been found that green tea can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 50 percent.
Benefits of Green Tea To Prevent Hair Loss: Responsible for this benefit are epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG. These substances stimulate hair growth and cause a significant prolongation of the hair follicle.
Green Tea Benefits To Increase Fertility: Its high content of polyphenols and hypoxanthena help a greater number of embryos has the best conditions to be fertilized and also benefits increased maturation and fertility of oocytes.
Benefits of Green Tea To Improve Brain Health: Our brains need healthy blood vessels to function properly. According to a Swiss study, people who drink Green Tea regularly have more activity in the memory area of their brains.
Benefits of Green Tea To Stimulate Immunity: Green Tea helps prevent disease, because the defenses in a way that prevents us from infecting any condition. The list of positive aspects of Green tea is very long, but we will show you the most important for you to start from today to enjoy this delicious drink.
Benefits of Green Tea As A Stimulant: Green Tea stimulates functions by the presence of alkaloids, so it is a good substitute for coffee (which has caffeine).
Many athletes consume before training because it activates our body and we can even help you lose weight. In addition, alkaloids stimulate concentration.
Useful links:
Benefits of Green Tea For Blood: Prevents the formation of blood clots because it inhibits a substance that is released by platelets called thromboxane, which causes platelets to form thrombi.