The 18 Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy that Should Not Be Ignored,  because if not treated early, it will bring serious risks to the health of the pregnant woman. Also, when we hear about pregnancy, we soon imagine the fetus being formed in the uterus.

But, what many don’t know is that pregnancy can happen outside the mother’s uterus and when this problem occurs, it’s called Ectopic Pregnancy which means “in the wrong place”, which can bring serious risks to the health of the pregnant woman if not detected early in pregnancy.

About 95% of the time when the embryo is not inside the uterus, it is in the fallopian tubes, but it can also develop in the abdominal cavity, ovary, broad ligament, cervix or tubal interstitium.

And knowing exactly where the embryo is is important to know the best treatment, since when it is in the abdominal cavity the pregnancy can continue although it is a rare and delicate situation.

At first, an Ectopic Pregnancy may not cause any signs or symptoms. In other cases, the first signs and symptoms of an Ectopic Pregnancy can be the same as for any pregnancy – a period of missed menstruation, breast tenderness and nausea . So, check out  The 18 Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy That Should Not Be Ignored:

Abnormal Bleeding or Absence of Menstruation: The patient who has a menstrual delay and soon after has an abnormal bleeding and especially with pain, in the pelvic or abdominal region, has to seek the emergency service, to at least make a diagnosis to rule out the pregnancy hypothesis as this can be one of the Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy .

Low Back Pain:  This abdominal pain is not well located, because it can be in the lumbar but reflect in the abdomen, some patients think it may be colic because it is in the menstrual period, but it is not, because the colic gets worse at the beginning and improves at the end, this low back pain is getting worse and worse.

In these cases, the patient is examined to rule out, in addition to the complications already mentioned, appendicitis , which is very prevalent in young people. In addition, the patient may not have bleeding and even have a diagnosis of poor pregnancy.

  • Feeling of heaviness in the vagina;
  • Swollen abdomen;
  • Severe pain on palpation of the uterus;
  • Breast tenderness, cramping on one side of the pelvis, and abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Belly pain or pelvic pain , which may get worse with movement or exertion. It may start abruptly on one side and then spread throughout the pelvic region;
  • Signs of hypovolamic shock;
  • Shoulder pain caused by bleeding in the abdomen under the diaphragm. Bleeding irritates the diaphragm and is felt as pain in the shoulder;
  • Pain during intercourse or during a pelvic exam
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting, caused by internal bleeding;
  • Moderate or heavy vaginal bleeding.

Some other Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy , already indicate a more serious situation that is when there is a rupture of this tube:

Worsening Pain:  This condition is called acute abdomen, where there is a lot of pain and irritation in the belly.

Pressure on the Rectum:  Located in the pelvic part, it is bleeding that irritates the abdomen, it may be pressing on the rectum.

Low Blood Pressure:  The person becomes pale, palpitating and tachycardia, and often needs a transfusion.

Worsening Pain: This condition is called acute abdomen, where there is a lot of pain and irritation in the belly.

Pressure in the Shoulders:  Blood irritates the diaphragm, which is the breathing muscle, and causes pain radiating to the shoulder, which can lead to fainting and even loss of consciousness

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