The 15 Health Benefits of Carqueja Tea

The Benefits of Carqueja Tea  are diverse, as Carqueja Tea  has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, carqueja, so famous for its bitter taste, has antipyretic properties and lowers blood glucose levels, an effect that has been scientifically proven.

In addition, it helps in the treatment of gastric, intestinal, hepatic, biliary, febrile conditions and also acts in the purification of the blood. Its benefits are mainly due to phenolic compounds, saponins, flavones and flavonoids. So, check out the  15 Health Benefits of Carqueja Tea:

Carqueja Tea Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties:  Saponins also found in the composition of carqueja have an anti-inflammatory effect. One of the positive consequences that this effect generates is the decrease in cholesterol levels  in the body.

Carqueja Tea Contributes to Weight Loss:  The medicinal plant has a diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate excess fluid in the body and reduce the swelling caused by this retention. In addition, there are studies that claim that the herb is thermogenic, that is, it has the action of increasing body temperature and accelerates metabolism, also increasing the body’s caloric expenditure. As a result, this favors weight loss.

Of course, it is not just consuming tea made from carqueja that will cause weight loss. It can even help, however, it is also essential to follow a balanced and healthy diet and practice physical exercises regularly, as a way to further stimulate the increase in caloric expenditure.

Carqueja Tea Helps in Cholesterol Control:  Carqueja Tea canbe used to help reduce cholesterol. For this, the recommendation is to consume a cup of tea of ​​the drink four times a day.

Benefit of Carqueja Tea for the Liver:  The flavonoids found in the composition of the medicinal plant, with an emphasis on hispidulin, are endowed with hepatoprotective action. This means that they provide liver protection.

Carqueja Tea can even be used as an aid in the treatment of liver congestion, a condition characterized by the accumulation or excess of stagnant blood in the liver. For cases like this, the recommendation is to consume four cups of Carqueja Tea daily.

Benefit of Carqueja Tea for Diabetics:   Carqueja Tea is beneficial for people diagnosed with Diabetes because it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates ingested in food. It is worth remembering that the biggest determinant of blood glucose levels are carbohydrates.

Hence, the need to control the quantity and quality of carbohydrates consumed, consuming the complex and low glycemic index sources of carbohydrates, which bring a slow rise in blood sugar levels. Foods with high glycemic index carbohydrates lead to a higher spike in blood glucose levels over the first two hours after consumption.

Of course, this does not mean that the diabetic can go around gorging himself on carbohydrates just because he also uses the medicinal plant. It only offers help, but does not reverse the effects that this type of nutrient can cause in the body of the patient with Diabetes .

Carqueja Tea Possesses Antioxidant Properties:  Another of the benefits of Carqueja Tea  that deserves to be highlighted is its antioxidant action. This also happens thanks to its flavonoids, which have antioxidant action. With this, they can fight disease-causing free radicals and promoters of the aging process, protect the brain, cardiovascular system and improve blood circulation.

Benefit of Carqueja Tea for the Digestive System:  The medicinal plant is endowed with digestive properties, therefore, it can be considered an ally of the digestive system. The herb protects the stomach, prevents ulcers – due to the fact that it has extracts with the ability to reduce gastric secretion, whose exaggerated increase may be linked to ulcer development – and has an analgesic (pain-reducing) effect.

Carqueja Tea For Other Health Problems:  The medicinal plant can still be beneficial in the treatment of problems such as pharyngitis, asthma , asthmatic bronchitis  , tonsillitis, intestinal worms, rheumatism and poor circulation. Carqueja tea can also help in cases of gallstones.

For those diagnosed with the problem, the guideline is to ingest ½ cup of Carqueja Tea several times a day, over three weeks. Of course, in addition to using the herb, it is essential to seek medical help and follow-up to treat any type of disease or condition that carqueja can help, including asking the professional about the use of Carqueja Tea as a way to help your health condition. .

Other Benefits of Carqueja Tea:

  • Assist in the treatment of digestive diseases;
  • Help fight inflammation;
  • Helps improve blood circulation;
  • It helps to improve the digestive process;
  • It can be used as a vermifuge;
  • It presents good results in the treatment of digestive diseases;
  • It is excellent for fighting inflammation.

Do not use in pregnant and lactating women. Use may cause hypotension. Avoid concomitant use with medicines for Hypertension and Diabetes . Use intended for people over 12 years old.

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