The 15 Health Benefits of Basil Leaves!

Basil leaves provide the essential nutrients for   overall health Also, basil is a plant in which the leaves are commonly used for culinary purposes. Basil, or Ocimum basilicum , is a member of the Lamiaceae family. The name of basil refers to a Greek word basilikohn meaning royal, which reflects the ancient culture of the Greek people who considered this herb as a noble and sacred plant. In India, basil is a symbol of hospitality, while in Italy, it is a symbol of love.

Basil flower may vary in color. The most used part of the basil plant is the leaves. The color of Basil Leaves can also vary from light green to dark green and has a smooth texture. There are actually many species of basil, but Ocimum bassilicum is the basil leaf most used by people around the world. So, here  are the 15 Health Benefits of Basil Leaves:

1. Stop Diarrhea:

 Basil is highlighted in some studies with an antibacterial effect. The phytochemical components present in basil leaves can fight the Staphylococcus aureus infection , which is the main cause of diarrhea. Adding some basil leaves to your meal can cure and prevent diarrhea from the body.

2. Lower cholesterol:

According to a study, basil leaves  have a significant effect on lowering the level of cholesterol in the body. The phytochemical and antioxidant component in basil eliminates bad cholesterol and prevents the buildup of this compound in the blood vessel, which can later cause atherosclerosis.

3. Treat cardiovascular diseases:

Basil is very helpful in keeping blood circulation normalized. It promotes healthy blood vessel function and keeps blood pressure working properly. Basil leaves contain anti – inflammatory properties that can prevent platelet aggregation, which can cause arteries to clot and block blood flow.

4. Soothe the stomach:

That’s why Italian people love to include some basil leaves in their meals. These leaves have a calming effect, which can eliminate the feeling of full feeling in the stomach. It can also minimize the level of gastric acid and prevent vomiting.

5. Relieve pain and wounds:

If you are stung by a bee or other insect and you cannot find any medication or antiseptic, you can use  basil leaves  to relieve the pain and soreness. Simply crush or chew the leaves and rub your skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of basil leave will be effective in healing wound caused by the bite.

6. The coulter: 

Basil leaves contain essential oils that have anti-inflammatory effect and can cure ear infection.

7. Prevent diabetes:

According to a study, basil leaves have a significant effect in lowering blood sugar level and maintaining normal level.

8. Fight cough and cold:

Basil Leaves essential oil has antiviral ability, which means it can prevent the body from getting flu virus infection. Consuming basil leaves not only eliminates the virus but also reduces the symptom such as cold, cough and runny nose.

9. Prevent cancer:

The high antioxidant amount in basil leaves has efficient impact on fighting free radicals which is the main factor causing DNA damage which later causes the overgrowth of cells known as cancer.

10. Get rid of the  headache: 

Basil leaves can be used to treat headache. This can calm the nerve and reduce the blood vessel impulse in the brain. Just put some basil powder in a pan, smell it, and let the steam get to your face.

11. Inhibit the growth of bacteria:

The body can develop antibiotic resistance due to lack of antibiotic treatment. Basil leaves contain antibacterial properties that can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and decrease antibiotic resistance.

12. Pele:

Basil leaves contain vitamin C and other phytochemicals, which are beneficial for the skin . Consuming basil leaves regularly can improve skin health by eliminating the effect of free radicals and keeping the skin moist.

13. Treating fungal infection: 

If you have a skin problem that has been caused by a yeast infection, simply chew or crush some basil leaves and apply to the infected area. The essential oil has antifungal properties that can kill and reduce fungal growth.

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