The 11 Health Benefits of Olive Oil
Olive oil has properties and vitamins that can prevent disease and improve skin . Olive oil is rich in vitamins E , monounsaturated fat and phytochemicals, which protect the heart , help reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol . They control diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis and prevent stroke and colon and mana cancer. As processing can decrease the nutritional content, use less processed or extra virgin olive oil. However, don’t overdo it, olive oil is very caloric (about 90 calories per tablespoon). So, check out The 11 Health Benefits of Olive Oil.
Nutritional Value of Olive Oil: Olive Oil is high in calories and provides around 900 calories per 100 grams of its intake. It is an excellent source of fats, mainly monounsaturated fatty acids, commonly known as MUFA, olive oil also contains polyphenols, omega-3 and triglyceride esters.
Olive Oil Prevents Cancer: Olive oil is rich in Omega-3, which helps in preventing cancer and reducing the growth rate of cancer cells in the body. In addition, Olive Oil is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help in reducing cell mutation and also prevents free radicals from attacking DNA.
Olive Oil Brain Benefits: Memory loss is common after a certain age. The presence of monounsaturated fats in Olive Oil helps to decrease the chances of cognitive deficit. It is recommended to consume 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil daily. Therefore, Olive Oil helps in fighting many brain related problems like imbalance of water content and imbalance of nervous system functions.
Benefit of Olive Oil Prevents Osteoporosis : You can already see that olive oil is a complete food: it is good for the heart , brain, hair, nails and skin . And what was missing? The bones! According to studies carried out at the University of Cordoba, in Spain, olive oil contains a substance called oleuropein, an anti-inflammatory that has the same effects as calcium in the body. That is, consuming moderately helps prevent osteoporosis. Enjoy it while it’s time and water your plate with olive oil now!
Benefit of Olive Oil has Antioxidant Action: Olive oil has antioxidant action because it contains powerful vitamins that give strength to keep the skin away from wrinkles. The antioxidants contained in olive oil are so strong that olive trees are able to regenerate and self-protect their branches and fruits. In addition, the option also has anti-inflammatory properties and is indicated as a facial moisturizer for those with dry skin .
Benefits of Olive Oil to Hydrate Hair: As it is a natural moisturizer, olive oil can be used as an option to give more life to the hair . The trick is ideal for those who live with their hair in the chlorine pool, or who have had a day of strong sun at the beach and sea. Apply the product in warm temperature to the hair and wrap the strands with a heated towel or thermal cap. Let it act for 15 minutes and wash your hair normally. You can bet on the application monthly
Benefits of Olive Oil for Skin: Olive oil is beneficial for the skin . It has several antioxidants such as Vitamin A and Vitamin E that help in fighting free radicals that damage skin cells . They have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce wrinkles and premature skin aging . Olive oil can also be used as a moisturizer because of its hydrophilic properties, which help form a protective layer on the skin .
Benefit of Olive Oil for Lowering Blood Pressure : Olive oil is beneficial for blood pressure; according to a study carried out in Spain, it was found that when consumed as part of the daily diet, for at least four weeks, it can lower blood pressure , because it has a positive effect on the cells that line the blood vessels.
Benefits of Olive Oil to Lose Weight: Extra virgin olive oil, as a source of healthy fat, is of great help to those who want to lose weight, because when consuming we avoid foods such as butter, margarine and fried foods, replacing these for that, as part of a healthy diet, that helps you lose weight.
However, for this to happen, for consumption to be healthy, it is necessary to consume raw olive oil as a seasoning for salads and vegetables, and never to fry foods with oil, because once we cook it, it loses its properties and becomes harmful. , as it was subjected to high temperatures.
Benefits of Olive Oil Against Coronary Diseases: Due to the mono-unsaturated fat in olive oil, taking a daily dose reduces the risk of suffering from heart disease , which also means lower levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol; in addition to the content of polyphenols, which act as antioxidants and against free radicals.
Benefit of Olive Oil Protects Against Diabetes: Type 2 occurs during childhood and because of obesity, sedentary lifestyle and hereditary in the family. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and iron which in turn helps to prevent diabetes . The mono-unsaturated fats present in Olive Oil stimulate the secretion of a hormone called glucagon which further contributes to increasing the rate of insulin secretion in the pancreas . Olive oil helps to reduce the blood sugar level and also the inflammation in the system which destroys the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas .