The 10 Tips on How to Eliminate “Suvaqueira” in 15 Minutes
News of the week:
Wash your armpits well: The first recommendation is to wash your armpits well during the shower, often the odor can be due to soap or deodorant residues that are accumulating in the area, so make sure that after showering the area is clean .
Apple Cider Vinegar: As odor can be due to bacterial and fungal buildup, a good remedy to control this is to mix apple cider vinegar and alcohol and apply every night to your armpits with a very clean cloth, let it sit while you sleep. Over the days the stench should subside as the fungi and bacteria gradually disappear.
Sodium Bicarbonate: Baking soda is one of the great allies to avoid bad odor in the armpits. With very dry armpits apply a little bicarbonate powder with a cotton swab, spread well. This is one of the most effective remedies because it helps to keep the area free from excessive sweating and eliminate “Sweeping”.
Lemon Soda: Another effective trick to eliminate “Suvaqueira” and keep the armpit cool, mix a spoonful of soda with lemon juice and apply it after bathing, its odor-controlling effects are well known. In addition, lemon is ideal for removing bacteria, facilitating effective cleaning of the area.
If the problem is that you sweat a lot, prepare an infusion with thyme or rosemary leaves and apply to your armpits after bathing, the liquid will help control hyperhidrosis.
Lemon: Lemon ‘s acidic properties help to kill odor created by bacteria. Lemon is also known to change the skin’s pH levels. Cut a lemon and rub it gently over your armpits.
- Or, squeeze some juice from 2 fresh lemons . Apply it directly under your arms to Eliminate Suvagirl and Darkness.
- Alternatively, pour some lemon juice onto a clean towel and gently rub it over your armpits after showering.
- Add some lemon juice to a glass of water. Use it as a singular spray or deodorant under your arms.
Tomato Pulp: Extract tomato pulp and apply it directly to your armpits. Let it act for 15 minutes. Clean up and see the effects afterwards. For effective results, apply this remedy for a few weeks.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera as well as being excellent for skin problems is also a good ally to control perspiration, a little of its liquid is enough to eliminate “Suvaqueira” and sweat, leaving your armpits much cooler.
Lettuce: Lettuce is one of the excellent remedies to eliminate “Suvaqueira” . Crush some lettuce leaves to extract the juice and rub it directly on your armpits. For best results, apply after showering. You can store lettuce juice in the fridge.
Apply Alcohol Gel: If you are in trouble and you have to eliminate the bad smell as soon as possible, you can use alcohol gel. Put a little alcohol gel in one hand and apply the armpits The product will fight the bacteria that cause odor.
Shave Underarms Regularly: This advice is for both men and women, although women tend to shave their underarms more. Removing underarm hair can help reduce body odor because hair absorbs odors quickly; If you have less hair, you will be less likely to absorb body odor.
Useful links:
Thoroughly Dry Your Armpits After Bathing: After you have washed your armpits, you should make sure to dry them completely, and even more so in areas where you sweat a lot. If your skin is dry, it’s harder for the bacteria that cause body odor to reproduce.