The 10 Symptoms of Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore
There are over 200 different types of cancer , including breast , ovarian , endometrial , prostate , lung , bladder , colorectal, pancreatic , and renal , as well as melanoma and leukemia. When they are diagnosed in advanced stages, the patient has a low survival rate. So, check out The 10 Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore.
Weight Loss is one of the Common Symptoms of Cancer: In case of solid tumors like breast and lung cancer, the person may experience sudden weight loss. This is due to the fact that as soon as cancer spreads to the liver , it weakens its functioning, which is to eliminate toxins and regulate appetite. In addition, weight loss can also result in colon cancer . 40% of cancer patients lose weight rapidly before or during the period of diagnosis. And 80% of patients suddenly lose weight in advanced stages
Shortness of Breath or Wheezing Are Signs of Cancer: Wheezing and shortness of breath can be symptoms of various problems linked to a tumor in the lungs. That is, in the case of lung cancer , the tumor presses on and narrows the airway, leading to a hissing sound.
Infections or Constant Fever is one of the Symptoms of Cancer: Fever can be caused by an infection, but persistent and prolonged fever can also indicate cancer such as lymphoma. Furthermore, leukemia, which is in fact cancer in the blood cells, leads to signs like infections, fevers, pain, fatigue and so on.
Chest Pain and Persistent Cough Can Be One of the Signs of Cancer: There are times when signs of cancer such as leukemia or lung cancer can resemble those of a cough or bronchitis . The person may feel chest pain that is extended to the arm or shoulder. Also, if you suffer from a persistent cough or have a hoarse voice and don’t smoke, see your doctor and check your situation as you may have esophageal, lung , thyroid , or laryngeal cancer.
Exhaustion and Weakness Are One of the Symptoms of Cancer: You should consult your doctor in case your weakness or fatigue does not reduce after getting enough sleep and rest.
Abnormal Bleeding is one of the Symptoms of Cancer: Blood in stool can be a sign of bowel cancer , and blood in urine can be an indication of UTI, which can be a result of kidney or bladder cancer. Also, bleeding between or after periods after menopause can indicate uterine and endometrial cancer. Colorectal cancer can lead to bleeding from the tract. In the case of leukemia, the person may experience hemorrhages and immoderate bleeding. Coughingup blood can be a sign of esophageal cancer , while vomiting blood can indicatestomach cancer .
Bowel Problems Are One of the Symptoms of Cancer: Especially in older people, change in bowel movements for more than a month is aof bowel cancer .
Lumps or Unusual Swelling is one of the Symptoms of Cancer: You should never ignore lumps in the testicles, neck , armpits , groin , breasts , abdomen or other parts of the body, especially if they persist for more than three weeks. Also, in the case of breast cancer , a person may have enlarged lymph node or lumps, swelling, redness, and pain.
Difficulty Swallowing Could Be Symptoms of Cancer: In the case of cancer of the throat or esophagus, a person may have trouble swallowing or feel that there is a food in the chest or throat that gets worse over time. In addition, other common signs are pain and a burning sensation during swallowing.
Pelvic or Abdominal Pain Are Symptoms of Cancer: Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic area can be a symptom of ovarian cancer . Commonly, women who never had children; have family members who have had breast , ovarian , or colorectal cancer; and who were previously diagnosed with colon , breast , uterine, or rectal cancer are more likely.