The 12 Health Benefits of Hibiscus

The Health Benefits of Hibiscus  are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. Also, what gives hibiscus this power ? Above all, the high concentration of anthocyanin – a pigment from the flavonoid family -, which has an antioxidant action (takes away most of the free radicals from the scene) and anti-inflammatory (fights cell inflammation, allowing them to fully exercise their functions again). Result: “The body stops accumulating toxins – enemy substances that make weight loss difficult .Hibiscus, in addition to having antioxidant properties and having a representative value of anthocyanins, vitamins C , beta-carotene, lycopene and polyphenols, is traditionally used as a diuretic. As if all these advantages were not enough, it is still able to keep the intestines regulated and prevent colon cancer . So, check out now,  The 12 Health Benefits of Hibiscus.Constipation: A  healthy body means that all the body ‘s functions are working properly, doesn’t it? And when something is wrong, the whole body feels the discomfort, as is the case with constipation. “This is a health problem , as it impairs the absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins ”, explains nutritionist Nubia Melo.It is considered regular intestinal transit when the individual evacuates 3 times a day up to 3 times a week. “With constipation, stools are usually hard, dry and difficult to pass. Some people with constipation find it painful to have a bowel movement and often experience a feeling of bloating,” explains nutritionist Adriana Caiafa.

Free  the  Intestine:  Hibiscus Tea  for Health has several beneficial properties for the body . “The advantage for digestion is the complex mixture of polysaccharides called mucilage, responsible for transforming the fecal cake into a gelatinous fiber when water is added.

This mucilage hinders the absorption of carbohydrates and fats , making them pass through the digestive tract intact and be eliminated with the feces”, says Adriana. The effect is laxative as it speeds up the digestive process .

Lazy Gut:  This expression does not mean the same thing as constipation . “We usually call lazy gut that gut that doesn’t work every day. This can be due to differences in bowel size, metabolism speed, that’s why hibiscus  tea for  health is so essential to the health of the body .

Hydration and diet”, explains Caiafa. When the intestine is lazy, the individual does not feel abdominal pain due to extremely hard stools and, normally, there is no need for major nutritional interventions, increasing water intake usually solves the problem. Already in constipation .

Hibiscus Against Cancer:  With varied benefits, as nutritionist Nádia Neves says: “helps in weight loss, has antihypertensive properties , Hibiscus Tea for  Health is effective in controlling blood pressure, gastro-protective, vasodilators, diuretic, anti -inflammatory , laxative, analgesic, expectorant, digestive, soothing and anti-dandruff”, hibiscus still has the ability to prevent colon cancer (tumors that occur in a segment of the large intestine and the rectum).

Understand the Disease:  Also known as colorectal cancer, colon cancer is treatable, and in most cases, curable, by being caught early when it has not yet spread to other organs. According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), most of these tumors start from polyps, benign lesions that can grow on the inner wall of the large intestine . One way to prevent tumors from appearing would be to detect and remove polyps before they become malignant.

Treatment:  Surgery is the initial treatment, where part of the intestine that has been affected will be removed. Then, radiotherapy, with or without chemotherapy, is used to reduce the possibility of the tumor coming back . Treatment depends on the size, location and extent of the tumor . When the disease is spread, with metastases to the liver, lung or other organs , the chances of cure are reduced.

Bet on a Healthy Life:  A diet rich in fiber, consisting of foods such as fruits , vegetables, legumes, whole grains , grains and seeds, in addition to regular physical activity, prevents this type of cancer. of alcoholic beverages, processed meats and quantities above 300g of cooked red meat per week. Risk factors such as age over 50, family history, having had cancer (ovary, uterus or breast) and obesity increase the chance of developing the disease.

Check out 5 Foods that Prevent Disease and Still Ensure a Healthier Life:

Ginger: The substance that gives ginger flavor is responsible for its antioxidant action. This is gingerol , which slows down the growth of tumors .

Soybean: the grain is rich in isoflavone, a compound that inhibits the action of enzymes linked to the development of the disease . The substance is a phytoestrogen, similar to the female hormone estrogen, capable of reducing the risk of breast and prostate tumors.

Tomato: it is reputed to be a prostate cancer repellent , but its nutrients also help ward off several other tumors, such as pancreas and lung . Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a carotenoid that has a powerful antioxidant action.

Beans: Legumes in general, such as lentils, peas and beans , are considered protease inhibitors, a compound that makes it difficult for cancer cells to invade tissues.

Useful links: 

Grape: the fruit is a real shield against tumors. Rich in an antioxidant called anthocyanin, it prevents the disease from arising. Its juice and wine , especially red , have a large amount of resveratrol, a polyphenol that controls bad cholesterol levels and prevents lung cancer.

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