The 10 Signs That Indicate Thyroid Gland Problems

The Signs that Indicate Problems in the Thyroid Gland  are essential for the health of the body to function correctly. Furthermore, the thyroid is a gland that is responsible for many important functions in the body. It is located on the front of the neck  and is shaped like a butterfly.

When the gland is overactive (hyperthyroidism), thyroid hormones can lead to excess which can seriously affect your health. This determines how quickly calories burn, how fast the heart beats to burn and is responsible for establishing hormonal balance. Often, upon reaching adulthood, people can begin to suffer from thyroid problems and suffer from various disorders in physical and emotional health.

The human body starts to show signs that something is wrong with our thyroid and we should not ignore it under any circumstances. So, in this article we are going to know  the 10 signs that indicate problems with the thyroid gland  that you should not ignore. Remember that this is for the sake of your health. So, check out The 10 Signs That Indicate Thyroid Gland Problems.

Signs that Indicate Thyroid Gland Problems :

1# Feelings of Sadness or Discouragement:  One of the symptoms of thyroid signs that usually present with this condition is quite emotional, but that doesn’t mean it’s less important, quite the opposite. Hyper and hypothyroidism  can affect our mood. Insufficient amount of hormones can influence the decreased secretion of serotonin and thus making us feel depressed or inert. On the other hand, too much thyroid hormonecan cause anxiety or irritability.

2# Constipation:  If you suffer from digestive problems and frequent waste removal, it could be because of impaired thyroid gland function . “It is one of the three most common symptoms that indicate thyroid gland problems  ,” says Dr. Robin Miller, an integrative medicine specialist. The relationship between digestive difficulties and thyroid is as follows: the gland is responsible for facilitating the process of digestion with hormones. If you produce too few, digestion and expulsion are considerably impeded.

3# Sleepiness:  The constant desire for sleep can already be a warning signal that the body sends,  hypothyroidism  can also produce the desire to sleep during the day and is a symptom that cannot be ignored if your desire for sleep is not directly related. to a specific event (eg to party all night and not sleep).

4# Hair Loss and Dry Skin:  Is it possible for your skin  to get dry even though it’s not winter? It can be one of the  signs that indicate problems with the thyroid gland . The change in skin structure  occurs due to a braking metabolism . Hair can be dry and brittle, and in particular cases it can be hair lossin the eyebrows or other parts of the body. “Many of my patients come from his barber. Anyone who suffers from extreme hair loss should go to the doctor to check for thyroid problems . There are many more ssigns of symptoms that indicate problems with the thyroid gland  that some doctors warn about.

5# Weight Gain: Weight  gain  can be a  sign that indicates a problem with the thyroid gland . However, if you are on a healthy diet and have an active life and still continue to gain weight, it is possible that the cause is in a place that you have not checked before did not know that it could be related. Sometimes increasing training and just stopping eating is not the solution you need is to speed up your metabolism. If you gain weight without changing your diet, it can be a very distressing symptom. Patients don’t eat more than usual and gain weight . Regular exercise doesn’t help. In most cases, it is hypothyroidism .

6# Decreased Libido:  According to various medical sources, hypothyroidism is also related to libido. If you suffer from hypothyroidism , your libido will also be reduced. It is a feeling that is also accompanied by many other symptoms that indicate a problem with the thyroid gland such as weight gain , muscle pain or hair loss . All of these (and many more) have a considerable influence on the libido and the cause is in that small organ.

7# Muscle Pain:  If you are far from straining the muscles over the bill and you start to experience cramping or mysterious pain in your arms, hands, legs or feet, it could be a sign that  indicates a problem with your thyroid gland . A lack of thyroid hormone can result in the nerves deteriorating, causing them to send messages to the brain about the rest of the body.

8# Irregular Heartbeat:  Heart feels overly active, and for no apparent reason does not mean anything good. Also, this can point to thyroid  and non-heart problems, as one might think at first glance. At these times you will notice that the heart beats faster than normal and can be checked in the neck or wrist.

9# Dizziness:  If you tend to feel dizzy which over time become more and more annoying and frequent, it is possible that it indicates a problem with your thyroid gland.  Hyperthyroidism can cause great difficulty concentrating, while hypothyroidism can create memory problems. When we treat our hypothyroid patients, they are usually surprised by how quickly dizziness disappears and how they feel afterwards. Many women believe that these dizziness are part of menopause , however they are actually the product of hypothyroidism .

10# Hypertension:  If you suffer from high blood pressure and the only remedy seems to be drug use, strict diet and regular exercise, you should probably check the status of your thyroid gland . If you have an overactive thyroid , your cholesterol levels will also rise and this will have a direct influence on your blood pressure .

Useful links: 

The thyroid is located in the throat , so you may experience pain in that part of your body. A lump in your throat , voice changes, or a swollen gland means thyroid problems . If you don’t notice any of these problems but want to check the gland, you can with the help of a mirror and look for bumps. “Holding the mirror hand, focus on the lower part of the neck, above the collarbone, but below the larynx. Your thyroid is right in this area. Check the area that extends the head back. Drink some water and swallow. Note that there are no swallowing bumps or bumps. Remember not to confuse Adam’s apple with thyroid. The second is below the closest collarbone.

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