The 10 Health Benefits of Araçá da Serra
The benefits of Araçá da Serra for Health are varied, because Araçá da Serra has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, Araçá da Serra is the fruit of a medium-sized tree, reaching 5 to 10 m in height, cylindrical and rounded crown with 2.5 to 4 m in diameter. The Throne of Araçá da Serra has a wrinkled bark and has given birth longitudinally, with a gray and yellowish color, it can be single or multiple.
The flowers are born at the apex of the branches in ferruginous and tomentose racemes (covered with nanugem), with 5 to 14 flowers characterized by 4 concave sepals that are persistent even in Araçá da Serra and also have a ferruginous color. The flowers measure 2 to 3 cm when open and have white rounded petals and yellowish anthers (glands that carry pollen grains). Araçá da Serra has dark yellow flesh, 1.5 to 2.5 cm long and 1 to 1.3 cm wide, harboring 1 or 2 rounded and whitish seeds.
Nutritional Values of Araçá da Serra: In about 100 grams of Araçá da Serra you will be able to absorb these amounts of nutrients:
- 84% of Araçá da Serra is water
- 247 kcal calories
- 20g of protein
- 15g of fiber
- 85mg of calcium
- 69mg of phosphorus
- 98mg of iron
- 196mg of potassium
- 21mg of vitamin A
Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. They are rich in vital nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy. While fruits like mangoes, oranges, bananas , pineapples, watermelons, grapes, apples , etc. are commonly consumed by all of us, there are some fruits, which most of us are unaware of.
Araçá da Serra , for example, is one of those rare fruits that are loaded with nutrients and can provide you with several health benefits. So check out now The 10 Benefits of Araçá da Serra For Health:
Benefits of Araçá da Serra Against Constipation: This fruit is rich in dietary fiber, which makes it an effective remedy for heart problems, high blood cholesterol and high blood sugar. Fiber is an excellent digestive and bulking agent. Fiber prevents stool from hardening and pushes it out of the intestines.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra for Brain Health: Araçá da Serra also contains decent amounts of B vitamins like B6 and B3 which are quite crucial for brain development. In fact, vitamin B3 increases blood flow to the brain and also stimulates cognitive functions. In this way, eating Araçá da Serra can improve brain health.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra for Diabetes: Araçá da Serra promotes weight loss, regulates blood pressure and contains loads of fiber. These properties make it an excellent antidiabetic. Fiber helps regulate sugar consumption and reduces the risk of insulin or glucose spikes in the body, thus making Araçá da Serra a great home remedy to help with diabetes.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra for Weight Loss: Araçá da Serra helps you to reverse those extra calories. It is especially rich in fiber, which helps lower cholesterol and aids digestion. According to experts, diets rich in fiber can help with weight loss. Araçá da Serra has less sugar compared to other fruits like grapes, oranges and apples.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra in the Treatment of Scurvy: Araçá da Serra is more nutritious than other fruits, such as oranges and other citrus fruits. The surprising fact is that it contains about 5 times the amount of vitamin C than other citrus fruits. This property makes it an important food to treat vitamin deficiencies such as scurvy and boost immunity.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra for Eye Health: Araçá da Serra contains good amounts of vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiencies can lead to night blindness and poor vision. Consuming vitamin A regularly helps improve your eyesight and boosts your health. Vitamin A can help prevent cataracts from forming and improve the overall health of your eyes.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra for Thyroid Health: Araçá da Serra is a rich source of copper. Copper is very important and helps regulate your metabolism by promoting thyroid metabolism which helps regulate hormone production and absorption.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra to Treat Dysentery: Araçá da Serra is rich in vitamin C and fiber, which makes it excellent for maintaining stomach health. When you chew the fruit, its astringent properties inhibit microbial growth and help flush excess mucus from the intestines, thus curing dysentery.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra that Help Prevent Cancer: This is perhaps the most important health benefit on this list. Araçá da Serra has anticancer properties. They are full of cancer-fighting free radicals and polyphenols that restrict tumor growth and scavenge the body of harmful free radicals. They also contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene has been shown to be effective in preventing certain types of cancer.
Benefits of Araçá da Serra to Improve Digestion: Araçá da Serra is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C. Fiber helps stimulate digestion and helps push food through the small intestine. This makes it an excellent digestive. Next time, skip your dessert and have an Araçá da Serra . Not only is it delicious, it will help with the digestion process as well.