Abiu Roxo: What is it for, vitamins, types and benefits

The benefits of purple abiu are diverse, as purple abiu has a wide variety of nutrients for health.

The Abiu Roxo fruit is spherical, measuring 7 cm in diameter, with a very thin and purple skin, very sweet and tasty pulp, translucent in the center of the fruit, turning purple as it approaches the skin.

The tree has a medium size -03a large (7-18 m), and extremely ornamental foliage, dark green on the upper side and golden on the back.

Purple abiu is delicious naturally, like its cousin abiu (Pouteria caimito). The purple abiu tree lends itself admirably to landscaping, especially in medium to large spaces. Well-drained soil, rich in organic matter, planted in full sun. Climate preferably tropical, but adapts well to colder regions.

There is a variety of green and more elongated fruits, from which we do not produce seedlings. We have, however, Chrysophyllum, native to Brazil and also delicious but smaller fruits (2-3 cm). It originates from Tropical America, probably from the Antilles. It is found in the wild, in Central and South American countries and in western India.

The fruit pulp contains 15 g of glycosides per 100 g of edible part, 2 kg of lipids and 1 kg of protides. It is also found in small minerals and vitamins A , vitamin B, and vitamin C in small amounts.

The purple abio develops well in places with a hot and humid climate, with good rainfall distribution and with deep, well-drained soils. Its propagation can be by seeds, which take 6 weeks to germinate. It is also propagated by slope or air layering.

Its fruits are astringent and are used for diarrhea . The bark of the tree, the leaves and also the bark of the fruit have a balsamic and febrifuge effect, and are used against bronchitis and colds . So, check out The 10 Benefits of Purple Abiu for Health.

Benefits of Abiu Roxo


The bark of the abieiro is antidysenteric and reduces fever , the oil extracted from the seeds of the purple abiu  soothes inflammations in the skin, being applied in the form of a poultice on the affected region.

Eye Health: 

Purple abiu fights  corneal diseases, purple abiu  is rich in vitamin C (fruits such as acerola , guava , kiwi and orange ) and medicines help prevent macula.


Purple abiu helps  in curing ear infections and deafness. Purple abiu oil , cooked with it, can help you treat an ear infection.

Purple Abiu To Fight Anemia:

Purple abiu is  rich in chlorophyll, which works as a blood purifier. The high content of vitamin C increases the speed of iron absorption . Drinking abiu juice regularly increases the hemoglobin content in the body to cure anemia .

Other Benefits of Abiu Purple:

  •  assists in the elimination of toxins;
  • prevents the formation of tumors;
  • has a beneficial effect against malnutrition;
  • has a beneficial effect against diarrhea and dysentery helping to eliminate toxins;
  • has beneficial effect against cough helping to relieve cough ;

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