The 6 Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria

The 6 Symptoms of Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria  that we should be aware of. Furthermore Helicobacter pylori normally infect a person’s stomach during their childhood. Generally speaking, infections caused by this strain do not cause symptoms, but detecting this condition can lead to related illnesses including peptic ulcers and the inflammatory condition in the stomach known as gastritis. There are also other types of reactions and health conditions that can indicate the presence of Helicobacter pylori in our body, pay attention to the following.

Helicobacter pylori infection is a sign that some contaminated food has been consumed with this bacterium , whether raw or cooked, as it is strong enough to withstand the cooking process. The most surprising of all, it was discovered that more than half of the world’s population has this bacterium , although it does not always manifest itself in different ways in the body. Its main advantage as a bacteria , is that it is able to live in gastric flow, despite its extreme acidity, without inconvenience a great part of the time.

Abdominal bloating: While not everyone with Helicobacter pylori in their body has symptoms, it is known that one of the main reflections of this is abdominal inflammation, in some cases surprisingly. This is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms, as inflammation is usually accompanied by flatulence and intestinal gas. It is necessary to make it clear that Helicobacter pylori , Candida and other parasites can cause abdominal bloating as well, so it is important to detect the cause of knowing which treatment is advisable.

Weakness: Helicobacter pylori can cause general body weakness even if you have a proper diet. Most of the time this symptom is linked to iron deficiency anemia, due to the body’s inability to effectively absorb the nutrients needed to give the body energy during the day, where iron deficiency is also present. Helicobacter pylori is a Gram -negative bacterium, an etiologic agent of the most frequent chronic infection in humans. It appears that this germ has a remarkable influence on iron metabolism and today, there is a lot of evidence of its direct relationship with iron deficiency anemia.

Weight Loss: The most notable visual indicator of the presence ofHelicobacter pylori bacteria in a person may beexplained weight loss . If, for some reason, you start to lose weight quickly, and there is not a very clear causality, it is important to consult the doctor immediately, because it can be a symptom of the disease, although there are many causes that can generate weight loss and they are the same or more harmful to the patient’s health.

Alteração nas Fezes: Outros dos indicadores visuais para saber se há ou não uma presença de Helicobacter pylori é a mudança na aparência das fezes é comumente apresentada quando a pessoa é saudável.  As fezes podem se tornar mais escuras ao longo do tempo e parecem sanguinolentas com presença de sangue, este é um indicador de problemas no sistema digestivo, produto da presença desta bactéria. Neste caso, é altamente aconselhável realizar um exame de fezes.

Society Easy to Achieve: When in the presence of the bacteria , people can reach the degree of satiety when they eat too quickly, sometimes consuming small amounts of food, which can trigger malnutrition.
Leptin is considered a peripheral energy state signal rather than a satiety signal. Appetite is regulated by both a peripheral signal of energy status (such as leptin) and satiety (gut hormones) that alter neuronal activity within the hypothalamus and therefore influence food intake for energy.

Burning Sensation: Burning in the mouth of the abdomen is an indicator that there are gastrointestinal problems that must be treated immediately. If this symptom is detected frequently, it is better to have a medical check-up in order to detect possible causes. Inflammation of the stomach after eating can cause nausea, vomiting or stomach pain and burning in the area, this is another of the clearest signs of the presence of this bacteria in the body, to rule it out, it is most convenient to carry out a blood test.

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Complications associated with Helicobacter pylori:

  • Ulcers produced by Helicobacter pylori can damage the protective lining of the stomach and intestines. This allows stomach acid to generate an open wound, known as
  • like an ulcer. About 10 percent of people with Helicobacter pylori will develop an ulcer.
  • Inflammation of the stomach lining. Infection with this bacteria can irritate the stomach, causing inflammation and gastritis.
  • Stomach cancer. This is perhaps the most serious complication, as Helicobacter pylori infection is a strong risk factor for certain types of stomach cancer.

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