Sodium Bicarbonate improves digestion; see the 15 benefits
Baking soda has benefits that make it indispensable in any home and should not be missed to maximize its numerous uses.
It is very useful in the application on the skin and replaces the more expensive creams and its effect is much healthier and more effective, in turn, you can use it at home as a cleansing element.
In addition to the above benefits, baking soda is very helpful in giving us better health. For example, it can be used in cases of:
- Heartburn
- Diaper rash
- Skin rashes and irritations
- insect bites
- nasal congestion
- Cleaning and disinfection of fruits and vegetables
- Constipation
- Tired feet
Benefits of Sodium Bicarbonate
Oral Health
One of its uses is the preparation of homemade toothpaste, adding 3% hydrogen peroxide. The toothpaste trade often contains chemicals that are harmful to health, such as fluoride, so this is a very healthy alternative. Baking soda also contributes to shinier teeth if added to brushing.
After oral benefits, baking soda allows your mouth to be refreshed, put half a tablespoon in a glass of water and gargle with this mixture. It is also wonderful for cleaning dentures, braces, etc. If you mix two tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water.
Face or Body Scrub
Make a paste with two parts of sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, then massage the desired area after bathing and after that, rinse. It is recommended to do it every day. Following with skin care, the same preparation can treat insect bites.
Deodorant and Brightens the Armpits
Applying baking soda to your armpits can neutralize bad odor and sweat over a large area of the body. It also helps to remove skin blemishes.
Detoxifying Property
If you want to have really splendid hair, don’t hesitate to use this product with shampoo and rinse. It serves to remove the debris left on the scalp and in passing, detoxifies the sebaceous layers difficult to eradicate.
There is a debate about the power that sodium bicarbonate with lemon has in alternative medicine against cancer, both preventive and curative. While preventive can be a great ally in this mixture, the cure of cancer with lemon and bicarbonate of soda , can be overestimated.
However, although it is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly, it is proven that both sodium bicarbonate and lemon are great and powerful alkalizing agents that help neutralize acidity in the body.
The mixtures of these two powerful alkalized ones have immense healing properties.
It is used to fight acidosis that can occur when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body, or when the body produces too much acid.
It also detoxifies and helps you lose weight , because it cleanses and drains the body, thus helping the body to eliminate waste, as well as helping to absorb nutrients, improving metabolize.
Digestive System
This mixture is perfect for the stomach and the entire digestive system to work better. It is antacid and fights flatulence. This mixture is also perfect for improving the stomach and the entire digestive system. It is antacid and fights flatulence.
To aid digestion, our stomach produces hydrochloric acid, or HCl, in order to break down proteins into essential amino acids, stimulate the function of the pancreas and prevent disease by destroying harmful bacteria in our body.
However, reduced levels of HCl can lead to various gastric problems such as indigestion, bloating, heartburn and constipation.
To assess your stomach acid levels, you can do the following simple test:
Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with 1 cup of cold water, and drink it as soon as you wake up in the morning on an empty stomach. If the HCL levels are adequate, you should burp about 2-3 minutes later.
However, keep in mind that the most accurate methods can be done in a lab, by your doctor.