The 8 functions of serotonin in the body!

Serotonin has many functions in the brain and body. Serotonin produced primarily in the gut plays a significant role in the communication between your gut and brain. In addition, it helps in the proper functioning of your intestine. From the brain , Serotonin neurons extend to almost every part of the central nervous system (CNS), allowing the branch of the (5-HT) network to be the most extensive neurochemical system in the brain. In addition, it transmits brain signals from one area of ​​the brain to another.

Some nerve receptors are responsible for sending messages to the brain  that signal swelling, nausea and pain, while others change your sensitivity. As a neurotransmitter, Serotonin transmits messages that involve nerve cells and therefore regulate their intensity.

1. Has a profound effect on mood:

Sometimes referred to as the happiness molecule, Serotonin has a profound effect on mood. High levels of Serotonin lead to a cheerful disposition and the ability to withstand daily stress. Depression can result from chronically low (5 – HT) levels . Other mental disorders linked to low (5-HT)  include social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anorexia , bulimia, phobias, bipolar disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder.

2. It acts on gastrointestinal regulation:

According to the University of Bristol, 90% of Serotonin travels to the body’s gastrointestinal system to affect the organs there. Held in the enterochromaffin cells that line the intestines and stomach, (5-HT)  is released in response to food intake and works to control the contractions that push food  through the digestive tract. Changes in Serotonin levels can contribute to irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS. High levels of Serotonin in the gastrointestinal tract can cause diarrhea, while constipation is linked to low levels of (5-HT) .

3. Important in regulating the sleep cycle:

Serotonin is important in regulating the sleep cycle and levels of the compound rise and fall as the body moves between sleep and wakefulness. Along with melatonin, Serotonin controls circadian rhythms and is affected by sunlight. ( 5-HT)  is at its lowest during deep sleep and highest when fully awake during the day. It is also linked to sleep and the ability to go back to sleep upon waking during the night. This regulation of sleep and wakefulness by Serotonin has been implicated as a potential factor in sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDIS, which typically occurs in infants with low levels of the neurotransmitter.

4. Contribute to sexual function:

Dopamine and Serotonin influence sexual behavior in humans. This monoamine neurotransmitter controls genital reflexes, sexual configuration and specifically libido. It is evident that low levels of (5-HT)  in the intoxicated state contribute to the associated increase in libido.

5. Increases Bone Density:

A bone is a very dynamic tissue, which always breaks down and rebuilds itself over time. Bone growth increases during childhood and adolescence and is controlled in the gut through Serotonin . Sources suggest that a persistently high level of (5-HT) in bones can ideally lead to an increase in osteoporosis . This new approach could change the way osteoporosis  is treated in the future, giving doctors a way to increase bone mass.

6. Serotonin in the blood causes nausea and vomiting:

Nausea is the feeling that precedes emesis. More (5-HT) is formed in the gut if you consume something that is toxic, it increases transit time and expels the irritant in diarrhea. Substantially, this increase in blood Serotonin levels causes nausea by stimulating vomiting in the brain .

7. Helps in creating blood clots:

This is the third major function in creating blood clots. The body’s scalability to control blood flow after vascular injury is critical for continued survival. This monoaminergic neurotransmitter is released by platelets when an individual has a wound, and the resulting vasoconstriction reduces blood flow , as well as aiding in the setting up of blood clots. The clot dissolves so that normal blood flow resumes after tissue repair.

8. Acts on mood restoration:

Serotonin is a mood regulator. This monoamine neurotransmitter is recognized for its role in the brain , where it plays a vital role in restoring mood, happiness and anxiety. It helps to naturally regulate your mood, and when Serotonin levels are normal, you feel more emotionally stable, less anxious, more focused, happier and calmer. Activation of one of the (5-HT) receptors in the brain has been shown to prevent aggression.

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