5 reasons why you shouldn’t sleep with wet hair!

Reasons why you don’t sleep with wet hair  that you need to know, taking a shower before bed can ward off  insomnia and fatigue  problems  , so it’s all good, many women prefer to wash their hair at night, although the habit attracts hundreds. of evils.

Do you usually sleep with wet hair? From today you will never want to do that again! In the rush we live, we usually shower at night and wash our hair and as a consequence we don’t give it time to dry naturally.

If you are a fan of this, know that the harm goes far beyond the health of the wires, but also the scalp and your own health. However, once you know this, you will no longer want to sleep with wet hair. When we sleep with wet hair, we facilitate the proliferation of fungi.

That’s because our own pillow is already an environment conducive to its proliferation and even when we sleep we get wet and warm hair next to the pillow and that’s all the fungi need to proliferate with mastery. These fungi are the causes of seborrhea popularly known as dandruff .

Of course, in addition to this factor, there are several others that contribute to its appearance, such as stress , inadequate food, low quality shampoo and conditioners or used in excess, among others. So if you already suffer from seborrhea , the first thing you should do is stop sleeping with wet hair.

In addition to seborrhea, know that the harm of sleeping with wet hair goes far beyond that. We are now going to show you what can happen if you sleep with damp or wet hair.

Reasons why you shouldn’t sleep with wet hair!

1. Headaches:

At night while we sleep, the body temperature drops a lot and if you go to sleep with wet hair, it will make it difficult for your body to maintain the temperature and this can cause headaches.

2. Proliferation of bacteria:

This is one of the  reasons you never sleep with wet hair again. In addition, we know that the pillow is full of fungi and bacteria that come from dead cells, sweat and other factors. All this combined with the moisture of your hair can end up further increasing the proliferation of bacteria.

In addition to  seborrhea  and  dandruff , sleeping with wet hair can cause breakage, as wet hair is more sensitive and susceptible to breakage.

3. Wire breakage:

If you care about keeping your hair strong and healthy, you should avoid the bad habit of getting your hair wet when taking a shower before bed. This practice generates a strong weakening of the wires and, little by little, increases the susceptibility to breakage and excessive fall.

4. Skin issues:

The moisture in the hair during the rest period increases the risk of suffering from skin problems , as microorganisms have the ideal environment to proliferate. Unlike when you wash your hair during the day, at night it doesn’t have enough air to dry it completely, finding the heat in the pillow creates the perfect climate for fungi and bacteria.

As a result, mycoses and irritations on the scalp and skin around the hairline can appear .

5. Itching and inflammation:

This is one of the reasons you never sleep with wet hair again. In addition, fungi that proliferate on the skin because of wet hair can cause inflammation and itchiness , even after drying the hair. This symptom can become recurrent and often takes several days to go away when not treated properly.

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