The 4 Natural Tips to Eliminate Asthma
The Natural Tips to Eliminate Asthma in a simple and 100% natural way. In addition, Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by hyperresponsiveness of the lower airways and variable airflow limitation, reversible spontaneously or with treatment, clinically manifested by recurrent episodes of wheezing (wheezing), dyspnea , chest tightness and coughing , particularly at night and in the morning on waking. They result from an interaction between genetics, environmental exposure to allergens and irritants, and other specific factors that lead to the discovery and maintenance of symptoms.” So, check out now The 4 Natural Tips To Eliminate Asthma.
Asthma X Bronchitis: It is not uncommon for people to confuse asthma with bronchitis , due to the symptoms being similar and a lot of talk aboutasthmatic bronchitis . But there are basic differences between the two diseases. “ Asthma is characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing and a productive cough (with secretions) at least three months a year for two consecutive years. The patient with bronchitis , in general, has a relevant history of smoking, while the patient with Asthma does not, because he is usually unable to smoke. Only people who havevery mild asthma can do it. Asthma cough __it is usually dry or with a thinner discharge, which the patient sometimes compares to an egg white. The cough of bronchitis usually produces a more yellowish secretion”< highlights the pulmonologist.
Once Asthmatic: Forever Asthmatic. The above definition begins with the information that it is a chronic disease, that is, it is part of the group of long-term pathologies that, in general, cannot be cured. It is a harsh reality, but there is no reason to despair. Like so many other diseases of this type ( diabetes and hypertension , for example), Asthma can be controlled and the symptoms practically eliminated, as long as the patient correctly follows the medical recommendations, “although the patient can become asymptomatic in adult life, at any time”. moment you may have symptoms again. It can improve, but it definitely eliminates it, it doesn’t happen. If a piece of the lung is takenand examinations carried out, will certainly appear to the cellular characteristics of Asthma ”.
News of the week:
Swimming Cure: Reports or promises about possible “cures” of Asthma should be viewed with reservations. There are even those who believe that it is possible to end the disease through swimming. “The scientific evidence that this can happen is classified as A, B, C, D, and E. A being those that no one questions. Swimming as a cure for Asthma and rated D, therefore, is far from real. What happens is that when you practice swimming, you promote physical activityregular and that, for any patient with any disease, is a benefit. In addition, in fact, the respiratory musculature is required.” Some even say that swimming is harmful, because on the water there is a small amount of droplets floating and these droplets contain chlorine that can work as an allergen when inhaled and trigger the symptom of Asthma ”.
Real Relief: And how is it possible to keep Asthma under control? First, it is necessary to determine the severity of the problem, which of course, can only be done by a specialist. To facilitate this classification, the SBPT prepared a table, followed by most pulmonologists, who classify Asthma into four different degrees:
- Intermittent: When the patient rarely has symptoms or has attacks, does not need medication to relieve the attacks and has no limitation in their daily activities;
- Mild: For cases in which symptoms appear weekly, with at least one night waking per month, occasional use of medication and inability to perform day-to-day activities during exacerbations (crises);
- Moderate Persistent: In which the symptoms are daily, the person wakes up during the night every week, uses medication daily, and cannot perform common tasks in the crisis;
- Severe: When symptoms are continuous during the day, the person wakes up almost every night, uses drugs to relieve the crises, which prevent them from performing daily activities.
In addition, the specialist takes measurements of the patient’s lung capacity. It is the sum of these variables that will tell you which treatment is best and which type of medicine is the most suitable for relieving crises. The main drugs prescribed by doctors to control Asthma are inhaled corticosteroids (IC), both for children and adults, the difference is in the dosage. Expected result of treatment is a decrease in the frequency and intensity of symptoms. Generally, within two weeks, an improvement of the pulmonary foundation is achieved, but full stabilization can take months or even years. ICs are inhaled in the famous firecrackers and should always be used according to a doctor’s recommendation, as they can have side effects.
Immediate relief of Asthma attacks is also done with the use of firecrackers, however containing bronchodilators, which are drugs of another class. In this case, when breathing in the medicine, the bronchi dilate and the shortness of breath passes immediately. “It is important to say that the firecrackers are fundamental in the treatment, they are not addictive and do not cause tachycardia. Some people are stuck using the pump, but they are certainly poorly medicated, need more medicine or are very fragile patients who become dependent more easily. But the cause of addiction is not the firecracker.”
Pregnancy and Children: A big question for women who have Asthma is the use of medications during an eventual pregnancy. According to the SBPT, the studies carried out to date show that there is a great variation in the course of asthma during pregnancy, and it may remain stable, worsen or improve, with a return to the pre-pregnancy state in about three months after delivery. Nature really seems to be on the side of moms, since, in general, in the last four weeks of pregnancy, symptoms tend to decrease a lot. As for medications, only a doctor can assess which types and dosage is allowed, without putting the baby’s life at risk.
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The popular perception that children are more affected by Asthma is correct. But this does not happen because the disease prefers the little ones. What happens is that children and adolescents are much more sensitive to the aggression of infectious agents when it comes to the airways. Not to mention that, especially in the youngest, the bronchial tubes are thinner and the immune system is still fully formed. And, if they have Asthma , the picture gets worse more easily.Infants, a separate case: Babies can also show symptoms of Asthma , but the diagnosis is much more complicated. Wheezing cough , characteristic of Asthma , can have different causes at this stage of life, in addition to being transient. Studies show that 80% of infants who have wheezing do not continue to have these symptoms in childhood and adolescence. In addition, there are not enough conclusive studies on the use of IC by babies and it is suspected that these drugs can affect the development of the lungs , especially in the first two months of life. Therefore, even if the baby has symptoms characteristic of Asthma , there will always be a difficulty regarding the diagnosis.