Natural Drink that Removes Toxins from the Body and Reduces Fat

Natural Drink that Removes Toxins from the Body and Reduces Fat naturally. In addition, we recommend this natural drink based on pineapple , to fight excess weight and eliminate toxins from your body. Pineapple is a fruit that has proven to be an excellent ally in weight loss diets.

This fruit is high in liquid, low in calories and has a powerful diuretic effect that helps eliminate fluid retention. This improves digestion and helps eliminate toxins.

It has anti-inflammatory and revitalizing properties that can relieve symptoms of ailments caused by arthritis , osteoarthritis , and other inflammatory conditions. Its intake fiber helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels and, in addition, prolongs the feeling of satiety. It also has skin benefits, which helps eliminate accumulated waste and promotes firmness to prevent wrinkles.

With the post-modern routine, the day-to-day rush and poor diet end up contributing to increase the levels of toxins present in our body. In addition to those already produced naturally, we are still in daily contact with pesticides, medicines and polluting agents. The result of this sum is not positive. These substances, when found, overload and hinder the full functioning of the body.

Natural, fresh and fiber-rich ingredients, also called detox foods, are largely responsible for eliminating these toxins . They work together with the liver and have the ability to filter and eliminate harmful substances from the body.

If you eat this fruit regularly it will help keep the body hydrated, improve circulation and reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. They can be improved by combining their qualities with orange and cinnamon. So, check out the recipe for the  Natural Drink that Removes Toxins from the Body and Reduces Fat.


  • peel a ripe pineapple ;
  • 1 liter of orange juice ;
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (2 g);

Preparation mode:

  • Peel a ripe pineapple cut into cubes and set aside;
  • Then wash the shell and add a liter of water;
  • Then add the juice of 1 orange (you can also opt for water and juice 50/50);
  • Finally, add the cinnamon;
  • Add ice to taste before eating;

Consumption Mode:

To eliminate toxins, fast and consume it later in the morning again. Take it for two weeks, rest and repeat the process every two months. To take advantage of its slimming qualities, I incorporate it into my regular diet at least three times a week. Preferably taken before each meal.

Pineapple is not recommended for people suffering from diarrhea. Due to its laxative effect, you should moderate its consumption. And it is not recommended for people taking diuretic drugs, because it can increase their effect.

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