Meat Diet: Does it work? how to do it, benefits, menu and tips
The meat diet is very affordable. There are countless diets with different promises, but do you really choose the one that best offers your health benefits and also an efficient weight loss? Well, we can count on several options, but most of them prohibit or limit the consumption of a certain nutrient that is fundamental to the functioning of your body.
It is common to find people with diets restricted to vegetables and meat bans, but these people do not reflect on the positive aspects that meat can offer, especially for those who want to gain muscle mass. Who doesn’t love to delight in the taste of a well-prepared steak?
The Meat Diet is similar to the diet created by Dr. Melvin Anchell, who wrote a book in 1998, where he sets out recommendations for a diet aimed at meat lovers who want to reduce the percentage of fat.
Dietary guidelines can help to reduce the percentage of fat and also contribute to the health of your muscles, but to be successful, it is essential that you know the characteristics of the Meat Diet , so that you can start the search for good shape.
Which is?
Of course, you don’t have to eat just meat. Other foods can be included in your diet.
What you should cross off your menu are foods rich in carbohydrates.
You should also cut down on the consumption of soft drinks, sweets and alcoholic beverages.
The Meat Diet follows a very similar principle to this diet — there are also several other diets that restrict carbohydrate consumption and suggest increasing protein and fat consumption.
How it works?
The initial goal is that by drastically cutting carbohydrate consumption, fat stores become the main energy fuel.
The result to be achieved is the efficient burning of fats.
Several studies have been carried out in order to prove weight loss with the Meat Diet and also to help control diabetes and triglycerides.
It should be noted that like any diet, this one can become a challenge to maintain in the long term.
The Meat Diet can be structured in phases, so that you can rethink what foods are allowed and what not, as restrictions can become purposes for interrupting fitness.
That way, you should know better about the foods you can and cannot eat in the phases.
Phase 1, which can also be known as induction, has the following rules:
- It is not allowed to consume more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day, that is, it is essential that you adapt to a diet richer in vegetables and vegetables.
- You can consume protein through poultry, fish , red meat.
- It is recommended to stay away from pasta, bread, fruit, cereal, starchy vegetables, dairy products and creams.
- Nuts, seeds and even beans are not allowed.
- Alcoholic beverages and coffee are also among the foods that are banned at this early stage.
Then there is the phase that aims to maintain the weight gained, which is characterized by many as the most difficult phase and that can lead to the return of all lost weight.
At this stage, you should gradually add more vegetables to your eating plan.
From that moment on, it will be possible to diversify meals through the insertion of seeds, vegetables, fruits, nuts and even wine, which has already been subjected to several studies to prove that it can act positively for health, if consumed safely.
Low-carb alcoholic beverages can also be added.
So let’s analyze: maintaining the Meat Diet is simple, just follow the instructions, reduce the consumption of fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods and prioritize the consumption of vegetables and protein sources.
We must emphasize that each individual has particular needs for their body.
On the Meat Diet , you can eat two or three meals, in which you are allowed to eat as much meat as you want, but they must not contain any carbohydrates.
Beef has all the amino acids crucial to the human body and is a source of iron, zinc, and B vitamins .
Meat has proteins, great levels of phosphate amino acids, a nutrient that is not present in vegetables.
Vegetable-derived protein is not enough to increase strength and maintain good muscle action.
Meat is also rich in myoglobulins that transport oxygen to muscle cells.
This allows you to perform more intense exercises, improves reasoning, the feeling of well being, in addition to acting as an antidepressant agent.
Meat also has conjugated linoleic acid, “CLA”, this acid acts on weight loss , burns fat and increases the body’s protection against cancer.
Red meat is rich in creatine, a compound that helps restore adenosine triphosphate (ATP) after muscular effort.
In the absence of ATP, even exercising little will cause a lack of energy and consequently the individual will feel more weakness if he does not consume red meat.
The consumption of creatine supplements has been growing, for best results use 30 grams daily, this way it will be enough to reach regular levels in blood and tissues.
Diarrhea and digestive problems are some of the side effects.
To achieve this ratio without major adversity, the combination of supplements and meat is the best source of creatine available.
As an antidepressant food, red meat is superior to chicken and fish , due to the rich concentration of phenylalanine, which helps with well-being and also reduces appetite.
Main Lean Meats:
- Chicken breast
- Three
- Acém
- Rump
- Hard cushion
- Soft Coxão
- Duckling
- Fish
- Turkey breast
- Against Filet
- Yarn Cute
- titty
full menu
- ½ granola with ½ skim milk
- 10 strawberries
- 1 slice of wholemeal bread with 1 little polenta.
Morning snack
- 1 apple
- Tomato , heart of palm and lettuce salad
- 3 tablespoons of brown rice
- 1 shell of carioca beans
- 1 grilled steak
- 1 glass of kiwi juice.
Afternoon snack
- 1 portion of Brazil nut 1 cup juice of 1 fruit ( orange , apple)
- Green leafy salad
- 3 tablespoons of carrots
- 3 tablespoons of chopped tomato, 1 slice of roasted turkey
- 3 tablespoons of brown rice
- 2 tablespoons of manioc puree
- 2 tablespoons of boiled green beans
- 3 red plums.
- 1 cup of skim milk with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and half a lemon
- 2 slices of wholemeal bread with 1 tablespoon of light curd
- 1 apple
- 200 ml of mango juice.
Morning snack
- 1 persimmon
- Green leafy salad
- 1 meat pancake
- 1 cup of chickpeas
- 1 apple
- 1 tablespoon of ambrosia.
Afternoon snack
- 1 low-fat plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
- Green leafy salad
- 1 skinless roasted chicken thigh
- 3 tablespoons of brown rice
- 1 bean shell
- 1 slice of cheese
- 1 kiwi
- 1 orange
- 1 cup chamomile tea
- 2 cream crackers
- 2 slices of wholemeal bread with 2 slices of turkey breast
- 1 pera
- 200 ml of coffee with skimmed milk.
Morning snack
- 1 fruit (banana, 1 slice of pineapple)
- Green leafy salad
- 3 tablespoons of brown rice
- 1 shell of lentil
- 1 grilled chicken fillet
- Melon juice
- 1 kiss.
Afternoon snack
- 1 low-fat plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
- Green leafy salad
- 3 tablespoons of brown rice
- 1 shell of lentil
- 1 grilled chicken fillet
- Watermelon juice.
- 1 pot of natural yogurt with passion fruit and oatmeal
- 1 cup of coffee
- 2 wholemeal bread toasts
- 1 small slice white cheese
Morning snack
- 1 plain yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 grilled chicken fillet
- 1 portion of sautéed vegetables
- 1 serving of lettuce salad
- 2 tablespoon of brown rice
- 2 tablespoon of beans
Afternoon snack
- 1 fruit (half a mango, or 1 orange )
- 1 small zucchini stuffed with 2 tablespoons ground beef and tomato
- 1 plain plain yogurt with flaxseed
- 1 low-fat plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons of granola
- 1 fruit (half an avocado )
Morning snack
- 2 cream crackers
- 1 cup of tea
- 1 portion of braised ground beef
- 1 serving spoon of mashed potato
- All -you-can-eat leafy salad
Afternoon snack
- 1 part skinless and unsalted peanuts
- 1 plain omelet with 1 egg, flaxseed , herbs and 1 slice of white cheese
- 1 pot of yogurt blended with honey and oatmeal
- 1 cup of tea
- 2 slices of wholemeal bread
- 2 spoonfuls of butter
Morning snack
- 1 serving of fruit salad
- 1 grilled steak
- 1 portion of sautéed vegetables
- 1 serving of tomato salad
- 2 tablespoon of brown rice
- 2 tablespoon of beans
Afternoon snack
- 1 chopped fruit
- 2 tablespoons of granola
- 1 flat plate Beef and vegetable soup
- 1 fruit (1 slice of melon or an apple)
- 1 glass of fruit smoothie and skim milk and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal
Morning snack
- 1 fruit (apple or pear)
- 1 grilled fish fillet
- 1 serving of Broccoli or Cauliflower Salad
- 1 serving of wholegrain pasta without sauce (seasoned with herbs)
Afternoon snack
- 3 cornstarch cookies 1 cup of tea
- 1 cup of cabbage, carrot, parsley soup
- 1 serving of sugar-free gelatin
It is true that the Meat Diet provides fast weight loss, however, you should not follow it for more than 3 months.
This diet, when followed for long periods of time, can cause several health problems , such as clogged blood vessels, stroke, kidney failure, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, among others.
Also, a lack of carbohydrates can make you suffer from dizziness, fainting, and weakness.