The 6 Main Causes of Gases!

The Main Causes of Gases that everyone should be aware of. In addition, gases are the air that accumulates in the digestive system and is released through the anus. Letting go of gases  is normal – they are constantly produced in our bodies. So, check out  The 6 Main Causes of Gas:

What is Gas: We call Gases  (or flatus) the air that accumulates in the digestive system and that can be released through the anus. Gases  are usuallynot a health concern, but sometimes they can cause discomfort or severe pain or pain in the abdomen and chest.

It is estimated that a man releases between 14 and 25 Gases  per day, while a woman 7 to 12 in the same period. If the person releases more gas than this average during the day, they may have excessive flatulence, which can be caused by several factors.

Causes of Gas:  Several factors can facilitate the formation of Gas , among them are: drinking carbonated drinks, chewing gum, smoking, talking a lot during meals, eating too fast, biting objects such as pen caps or keeping them in the mouth, taking too many antacids (such as sodium bicarbonate ), physical inactivity, eating foods that are difficult to digest (fatty and high in fiber) and constipation.

Foods that Form Gases:

  • Milk and cheese – especially high-fat wholegrain
  • Meat, seafood and eggs ;
  • Soft drinks and other carbonated beverages;
  • Beans, corn , peas , lentils and chickpeas;
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, onions , cabbage , cucumbers , turnips and brussels sprouts;
  • avocado , melon and watermelon.

Foods that Reduce Gas:

  • Eat pineapple or papaya at the end of meals, as they help with digestion;
  • Tomatoes, chicory and asparagus;
  • Lemon balm , ginger , fennel or carqueja tea;
  • Kefir yogurt or plain yogurt with bifids or lactobacilli;
  • Vegetables rich in water;
  • apple ;
  • It is recommended to drink a liter and a half or two of water a day.

Risk Factors:  You are more likely to develop a gas  problem if you :

  • Drink carbonated drinks regularly
  • Is lactose or gluten intolerant
  • Have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables , vegetables and grains
  • You have chronic intestinal problems.

Treatment for Gas:  In cases where the person feels pain and discomfort due to Gas , the correct thing is to consult a doctor for adequate treatment, as only a specialist can guide the correct medication to treat the problem.

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