How to use lemon to eliminate all cellulite!

How to use lemon to eliminate all cellulite as it is a natural detoxifier, which rids the body of cellulite -causing toxins and retained fluids. And by supporting the lymphatic system, consuming the spice can help flush toxins out of the body and reduce the appearance of dimples on the skin.

Also, did you know that, among the many properties that lemon has, it is also good for eliminating cellulite ? Well and. Cellulite is a problem largely related to the lack of adequate oxygenation of the skin. Thus, treatment with a natural oxygenator, such as lemon, can help to eliminate cellulite for good.

For this bath to bring results, it should be taken at least 3 times a week. Of course, the results will be more evident if you are taking care of a balanced and detoxifying diet, adequate hydration and the practice of physical activity in a healthy way. so check it out

How to use lemon to eliminate all cellulite quickly:

1. Make an infusion with 30g of the following herbs: lemon peel , pine or lavender , rosemary and seaweed . In total there are 120g of herbs for 2 liters of water.

2. Brush the entire body for 10 minutes to activate blood circulation. If possible, use a yellow bushing. Use 2 drops of lemon oil on the loofah.

3. Take a vigorous shower to cleanse your body using oat or kelp soap, or any exfoliating soap (wheat germ, poppy seed, etc).

4. Fill the bathtub with warm water and add the strained herb infusion with 2 more seaweed leaves, if you have them. Add a little alcohol 3 drops each of the following oils: genipap, lemon and rosemary . Shake and add to the bath. While relaxing in the bath, vigorously massage your buttocks and thighs with a mop, or even your hands.

5. After 20 minutes in the bath, get out and pat yourself dry. Massage with vinegar or an unscented moisturizing lotion. For every 30ml add another 30ml of grape seed oil plus 6 drops of lemon oil plus 6 drops of Geranium oil and 4 drops of rosemary oil .

6. Drink 1 cup of the detox tea described on the side

Recipe to eliminate all cellulite:


– ¼ of a sauce of parsley ;
– 5 celery leaves ;
– 1 dessert spoon of fennel seeds ;
– 10 g of dried chamomile flowers ; – a dandelion
leaf ; – a handful of corn shavings; – 1 blackberry leaf .

Preparation mode:

  1. Heat 1 l of water .
  2. Before starting to boil add all the herbs and turn off the heat.
  3. Then let it infuse for 10 minutes.
  4. Drink throughout the day.

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