How to use cooked lemon to lose weight up to 7.5 kg in 3 days

How to use Cooked Lemon to Lose up to 7.5kg in 3 Days Naturally. Cooked lemon is a special recipe that helps to lose weight , detoxify the body , eliminate toxins and accelerate metabolism naturally.

Everyone has heard or read about the benefits of lemon . We know it helps to lose weight , cleanse and detoxify the body. However, we only really understand its power when we include it in our diet and see the results.

However, your combination of lemon consumption with a healthy diet and exercise (like walking or running) will make you lose weight up to 20 kg. It sounds like a lie, but it’s true!

Some people drink water with lemon , chia or ginger , but the important thing is that lemons become part of their daily diet , so vitamins and minerals are your best allies in this healthy journey, purifying your body and leaving day by day, the fat of the present in the past.

Lemon can be used as a medicine or in traditional cuisine (fortunately, its flavor is delicious and enriches any dish or dessert) In addition, its amazing and beneficial properties help the skin, to remove blemishes and fungi , treat wounds and reduce pain.

In this article, we will show you an amazing recipe for boiled lemon, which should be consumed daily. In parallel with your intake, you should re-educate your diet and eat a fat-free, nutrient-dense diet.

Consumed daily you can get:

How many things are good for our body! And just drinking lemon! Now let’s get to know the recipe.

Cooked lemon recipe for weight loss:


– Water: 2 liters
– Garlic : 5 cloves.
– Lemons : 5 units.
– Ginger : 1 inch.

Preparation mode:

  1. Cut the lemons in half and squeeze the juice.
  2. Toss in the Garlic Peel and Ginger , put them in the blender along with the lemon juice.
  3. Beat everything until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  4. Bring the 2 liters of water and the squeezed lemon rinds to the fire in a pan.
  5. When it boils, add the mixture to the blender.
  6. Let it boil for a few minutes.
  7. Strain the drink and let it cool down a bit before drinking it.

How to make?

  • Every morning, drink a glass on an empty stomach.
  • As lemon has acidic properties, when it reaches the stomach it increases the production of
  • bile and improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Drinking cooked lemon every morning, maintaining a healthy diet and walking 30 minutes a day
  • dia.
  • Follow this procedure for 3 months and the results will appear.

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