How to Prevent and Remove Pimples and Acne

Do you want to know How to Avoid and Remove Pimples and Acne , even though you’ve already done conventional treatments that didn’t work? How about trying more natural alternatives? There are many options that do not involve industrialized products and that can be very efficient. If you have a pimple -prone face , prevention is the way to go. But, how do you prevent Acne  or Pimples ? What products or medicines work best? Check out  how to prevent and remove pimples and acne below:

Good Lifestyle:  Following a good hygiene routine that includes washing your face regularly to get rid of makeup, dirt and dust is very important to keep pimples at bay. Skin cleansing helps to remove dead skin cells and also frees the skin of contaminants that can exacerbate the growth of pimples . Don’t forget to apply a toner after cleansing. Avoid squeezing pimples and avoid cleansers that destroy the skin ‘s balance.

Wash Pillow Cases and Towels Regularly:  Pillow cases and dirty towels help bacterial growth, causing bacteria to spread, including to the face. It is very important to wash pillowcases, sheets and towels at regular intervals. It’s also a good idea to frequently wash all makeup brushes and sponges to minimize the spread of bacteria.

Use Comedogenic Makeup and Skin Care Products:  As Acne  is most commonly caused due to clogged pores, which are perfect for bacteria to grow and flourish, it is important to use non-comedogenic products, or products that do not block pores. Such products allow the skin to breathe and reduce the chances of skin infections, inflammation, irritation and Acne . Choose oil- and fragrance-free products.

Moisturizing:  Contrary to popular belief, acne  -prone skin needs hydration. Not providing enough moisture will encourage the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum or oil to compensate for the moisture, leading to a higher chance of acne . Choosing a moisturizer that is oil-free, lightweight, and water -based will hydrate your skin without making it oily or greasy. A basic cleansing, toning and moisturizing regimen should be strictly followed.

Exercise: With today’s hectic lifestyle, stress levels are high, just 30 minutes of exercise daily is excellent for your health as well as your skin . As daily exercise keeps the hormone levels in balance and also releases toxins through sweat which reduces the chances of pimples. Also, the importance of sleep should not be ignored. Rest well and make sure you are not stressed .

Avoid Touching Face:  Keep hands away from skin. Do not place your chin or cheeks on dirty hands or surfaces as this will spread the bacteria. Do not touch or squeeze a pimple as it will further spread the infection and cause scarring. Make it a habit to wash your hands with an antibacterial soap before touching your facial skin. Also, try to keep your hair away from your face.

Eat Healthy:  Pimplescan be prevented by following a healthy and balanced diet. Cut down on carbs, sugar and dairy products and include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and flush toxins from your body regularly.

Natural Remedies To Remove Pimples: Pimples canbe prevented and cured by many cosmetic products and through natural remedies . Cosmetic products can be costly and can also cause side effects. Natural remedies are comparatively more cost-effective, and do not have any side effects. There are many natural remedies to cure Pimples . While some may be more effective for some, others may have little effect. So, check out some of these homemade methods of How to Avoid and Remove Pimples and Acne:

Orange:  Applying orange juice with a cotton swab is an effective remedy to prevent pimples . Alternatively, apply the juice to the affected area and let it work overnight. Make sure the juice used is fresh and does not contain a preservative as it can aggravate rashes on sensitive skin. Dried orange peels can be ground in a blender and stored in an airtight container. Make a paste using the powder, adding a little water to gently cleanse your face.

Toothpaste:  Applying toothpaste to pimples will make them dry quickly and disappear briefly. Use toothpaste that contains silica. For best results, rub ice over your face before applying toothpaste. Allow the toothpaste to sit on the skin for 30 minutes before washing off with water. Repeat this process 2-3 times for effective Acne removal .

Baking Soda:  Apply a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice to prevent and cure pimples . This remedy can be used for all skin types: oily, dry , sensitive or a combination of all of these. To ensure best results, clean the skin before applying the paste. Leave the paste for 5 minutes and then wash your face. Don’t forget to moisturize your skin after cleaning your skin.

Aloe Vera:  Rub aloe vera on pimples or acne -prone skin. Aloe vera helps remove oil from the skin and makes it soft and healthy. The natural remedy also cures redness and sunburn .

*Ice Cubes:  Apply ice to the affected area and get rid of pimples quickly. The ice freezes the skin pores and removes excess oil and dirt that has become trapped in the pores. Ice cubes also reduce swelling and soothe the skin.

Mint Leaves:  The juice of mint leaves when applied overnight on affected areas can help get rid of Acne  and its scars.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar regulates  thepH level of the skin and helps to heal pimples . Add half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water. Soak some cotton pads and gently apply them to the affected areas and let them sit overnight.

Honey:  Applying honey on the face helps prevent pimples as well as treat them. Honey contains an antibiotic that helps to reduce inflammation and heal theaffected areas. Apply honey and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing off with warm water for healthy glowing skin.

Oatmeal:  Oatmeal helps to remove impurities and acts as a gentle exfoliant that absorbs excess oil and works wonderfully for clearing pimples . Cook the oatmeal as you normally would. Allow to cool and apply to clean face for 10 – 15 minutes.

Garlic:  Rubbing garlic cloves on the skin is very effective for healing pimples as it contains sulfur which is an antiseptic, antioxidant, antifungal and antiviral. Leave the juice on the skin for 5 minutes before rinsing it off with water. Repeat the process every day in order to get quick results.

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