Home Remedy to Relieve Toothache at Home

Home Remedy to Relieve Toothache at Home in a simple and natural way. Also, Toothache is caused when the nerve in the tooth is irritated. Some causes are main for tooth infection , such as cavities, injuries, bacterial plate, among others. In other cases, the person is not having a toothache , but an external pain in the mouth , which ends up deceiving because it looks like a toothache . In this case, the problem is caused by the jaw or ears.

It’s an unbearable pain , and so that doesn’t happen, we have to take care of our mouth as if it were a house, keep it clean, always floss, brush properly with dental fluoride and thus, avoiding this pain. So, check out now a  Home Remedy to Relieve Toothache at Home:

1# Home Remedy to Relieve Toothache at Home:  Macela and Propolis Tea is a great Home Remedy to Relieve Toothache at Home. Yeah, macela and propolis tea has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties, which can bring quick and satisfying pain relief .


  • 2 tablespoons of dried macela leaves
  • 30 drops of propolis extract
  • 1 liter of water
Useful links: 


  • Place the macela leaves and water in a pan and boil for approximately 5 minutes.
  • Cover the pan and let it cool.
  • Strain the tea, add the propolis, mix and drink immediately.
  • Make mouthwash with this tea several times a day, while the  toothache persists.

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