Palmito slimming or gaining weight? how to consume, benefits!

Whether the palm heart loses weight or fattening and how to use it to lose weight are the main doubts because its consumption in Brazil is very large. See this full review! Palmito is a type of vegetable taken from several species of palm trees The edible centers of palm trees are firm and tender, and their flavor is reminiscent of an artichoke.

Its crunchy texture makes it an ideal addition to salads and stir-fries. Palm hearts also contain beneficial nutrients and contribute to a healthy diet. But does palm heart slim down or gain weight ? Let’s explore a little more.

Palmetto Properties :

The palm heart, which is one of the most common types of palm heart, comes from the stem of the Pupunheira , a typical palm tree from the Amazon. For every 100 grams of canned palm heart, you will find: 36.5 kcal, 5.5 grams of carbohydrates , 2.5 grams of protein , 2.6 grams of dietary fiber and 350 mg of sodium. In this case, the amount of sodium increases a lot because of the salt in the preserve in which the heart of palm is found.

Health benefits of palm heart:

Benefits of palm heart to  provide satiety:  Palmis rich in dietary fibers , responsible for providing satiety and reducing excessive hunger. When we consume fiber-rich products, we decrease the chances of hitting that urge to eat out of hours.

Benefits of Palm Heart to  Improve Intestinal Transit:  The dietary fibers contained in the food help to make the intestine work correctly, reducing the risks of constipation and constipation that cause various discomforts.

Benefits of Palm Heart To  Benefit Muscles:  Zinc, an important mineral for muscle health, is also present in the composition of Palm Heart . Its benefits include improving protein synthesis in the body, ideal for nourishing the body’s muscles and making them healthy.

Benefits of Palm Heart To  Control Blood Pressure:  Because it is a source of potassium, consumption of palm heart normalizes blood pressure levels, avoiding peaks and falls. Its intake can still contribute to the control of heartbeats and improve heart health.

Benefits of Palm Heart for  Weight Loss:  As it is a food that brings the feeling of satiety when consumed, the heart of palm helps to eat less and favor weight loss . In addition, it has very few calories , so it does not affect the food plan. In addition to the benefits above, watch the video below and check out otherHealth Benefits of Palm Heart !

Palmito Really Slimming?

The contribution of palm heart fibers makes it a food that provides an important feeling of satiety, promotes intestinal transit and helps maintain correct cholesterol levels . This, together with its low caloric value, makes it especially recommended for obese people and those suffering from constipation , especially.

Palmito Fattening?

With the nutritional information in hand, it is impossible to say that Palmito Fatten . Obviously, if you prepare a delicious palm heart salad and add caloric sauces (like Parmesan sauce, for example), there is a high chance of Palmito Engorda . However, this would not happen because of the Palmito  itself, but because of its preparation.

After all, does palm  heart really get thin ?

As we have already seen above, Palm Heart Slimming yes, because Palm Heart is a food with benefits and properties, it has few calories and is a low calorie food . With all this data, just analyze and realize that yes, palm heart is released in the diet. It is almost impossible for some palm heart to fatten , as I have already said here, what counts is the number of calories at the end of the day, so just don’t exaggerate in other foods that I guarantee that the heart of palm  doesn’t  make you fat .

A tip when you have some doubts about this, just ask yourself if you know someone who gained weight from eating Palmito , I bet no one knows someone who gained weight from eating Palmito , right? Now, if you change the heart of palm for chocolate, bread, soda, I think everyone knows someone, right?

Palmito Recipe for Weight Loss:


  • 1 tsp of oil for greasing;
  • 2 whole eggs;
  • 1 cup of chopped palm heart ;
  • 2 spoons of light curd;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of herb seasoning;
  • 1 cup of chopped seedless okra;
  • 1 grated sweet potato .


  • Start by greasing the patty molds with olive oil and grating the sweet potato , mold the bottom and sides of the molds with the potato ;
  • In a bowl, add the eggs and curd, season with herbs and salt and mix well;
  • Take it to freeze for six minutes and in the meantime, fill the molds with the chopped palm heart and okra;
  • At the end, add the liquid mixture and take it to the medium oven until golden or for 30 minutes.

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