17 health benefits of tamarillo!
The benefits of tamarillo are quite varied, as it has essential nutrients to maintain health and have become important in our diet. And they are important for keeping the body and mind healthy. Nowadays, people are more concerned about what they consume and want to have a healthy life and body by consuming fruits and vegetables regularly.
There are many varieties of fruits and vegetables that provide nutrients to the human body and provide benefits. Study found that eating fruits and vegetables daily can ward off serious illnesses including heart disease, cancer and diabetes .
A type of fruit that is uncommon by people all over the world is the tamarillo or Cyphomandra betacea, it is also called tree tomato, this because the fruit has similarity with tomato, it exists in two types of colors, both red and yellow.
Also, the red amarillo is more popular than the yellow one and it has an egg shape with yellow-orange flesh and black seed, which is surrounded by a purple jelly.
Health benefits of tamarillo:
1. Digestive health:
Tamarillo contains high amount of dietary fiber that can improve digestion function . Consuming tamarillo regularly can help bowel movements and increase the absorption of nutrients within the body.
2. Constipation Relief:
The fiber present in the fruit can not only improve digestion but also relieve the uncomfortable feeling due to the defecation process. Also, fiber can bulk up in the stomach . This will make passing stool through the large intestine or colon easier.
3. Cancer prevention:
Tamarillo contains high antioxidant level that can protect the body from developing almost all types of cancer. The main antioxidant is the pigment anthocyanin, polyphenol, flavonoid and chlorogenic acid.
These antioxidants protect every cell in the body from any damage caused by the free radical infection that DNA mutation provides. DNA damage is the beginning of the development of cancer cells.
4. Prevent diabetes:
The benefits of tamarillo contain fiber that can stabilize the blood sugar level within the body and also a low glycemic food that does not cause the blood sugar spike. In addition, it also contains chlorogenic acid which plays an important role in the onset of diabetes and increases insulin sensitivity.
5. Improve vision:
This fruit is an excellent source of carotenoids and vitamin A and can protect the eyes from any damage caused by external or internal factors. In addition, vitamin A can also maintain and improve healthy eyesight, thus preventing the eyes from developing cataracts and eye aging called macular degeneration.
6. Accelerates metabolism:
Tamarillo contains several vitamin B complexes that are important for maintaining healthy metabolism. Vitamin B complexes are key to several metabolic enzymes, which can improve energy production.
7. Lower blood pressure:
In 100 grams of tamarillo, you can get 321 mg of potassium. This amount of potassium can keep your heart rate and blood pressure at normal levels. This makes an excellent snack for patients with hypertension .
8. Prevent anemia:
Tamarillo has a significant amount of iron and can prevent the development of anemia, since it is the main mineral that is part of red blood cells. Anemia is a bodily problem that can cause weakness and various problems for human health.
Also, anemia occurs due to lack of red blood cells which are responsible for transferring oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body.
9. Keep your skin healthy:
Due to the high vitamin C content , this fruit can keep the skin firm, glowing and youthful. Who doesn’t want these benefits? By consuming tamarillo constantly it is not impossible to have beautiful skin.
Vitamin E is important for maintaining skin elasticity. Both vitamin C and vitamin E can promote collagen production in skin tissue and collagen is known to fight aging.
10. Help with weight loss:
Tamarillo is a low-calorie food that makes a great snack while on a diet. It is also rich in dietary fiber which can reduce fat cell within the body.
11. Tratar amidalite:
Tonsillitis is a disease that attacks the lymph node or tonsil in the mouth. In addition, tonsillitis occurs from inflammation caused by various factors such as bacterial infection or disorder of the lymph nodes themselves. Colombians believe it can be used to treat this problem.
12. Cholesterol reduction:
The benefits of tamarillo can also lower your cholesterol level. It contains fiber that can increase good cholesterol and decrease the level of bad fat or cholesterol in the body. Consuming after consuming foods with high cholesterol can reduce the effect of cholesterol .
13. Prevention of atherosclerosis:
As tamarillo can lower the body’s cholesterol, it also provides protection of the lining of the arteries from the development of plaque or aggregation, which can cause thickening or atherosclerosis of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a factor that increases the risk of heart disease.
14. Prevention of heart disease:
Lowers cholesterol, prevents atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure : this package makes tamarillo one of the good foods to maintain healthy heart function. In addition, this fruit also contains potassium and manganese , which is important for maintaining normal heartbeat and rhythm.
15. Boost immunity:
All the antioxidant and nutrient content can slightly boost the immune system. Tamarillo also contains vitamin C , which is known to boost the body’s immune system. Vitamin C can protect immune cells and strengthen them in the fight against disease or infections caused by microorganisms.
16. Rejuvenate the cells in the organs:
Tamarillo contains proteins and amino acids that can promote cell rejuvenation or the production of new cells. This will help in repairing any damage that occurs to the body, including healing the wound in the skin area.
17. Prevention of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease:
Both Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are disorders that damage the brain and cause memory loss and paralyze the body. Tamarillo contains high antioxidants that can protect brain cells from damage and maintain healthy nerve function within the brain.