12 health benefits of potato juice!
Potato juice benefits are many as it is loaded with nutrients and minerals and is considered super healthy, the juice is known to be an excellent choice for B vitamins and vitamin C and reduces the chances of such supplements.
In addition, to have great longevity, enjoying good health is the plan that we should all propose in the long term, however, today we can find on the market an infinite number of products that cause great damage to our body, and we really don’t know that, little by little, we are deteriorating internally, we continue to buy and consume. The reason is simple, the industry specializes in giving a super addictive flavor to everything that hurts us the most.
To break this stereotype today I come to present a recipe, which despite not having the best taste in the world, since it is a little tasteless, it will help to prevent many diseases , I’m talking about potato juice . Also, when you start taking it on an empty stomach every morning you will notice these changes within the first week!
Health benefits of potato juice:
1. Control blood pressure:
One of the minerals that this tuber has is potassium , with which the arteries are cleansed and cardiovascular diseases are avoided.
2. Anti-inflammatory effect:
In addition, this juice helps to prevent inflammation that can be caused by arthritis or rheumatism, this ability is granted by the large amount of minerals it has, in addition to organic salt.
3. Helps the liver work:
Potato juice acts as a cleanser for this organ, it is ideal in diets to detoxify or alleviate any liver disease . In addition, the gallbladder also enters this cleansing combo.
4. Ideal for treating gout:
The pain generated by this illness can be immensely severe, so drinking potato juice routinely will help a lot.
5. Improves gastritis and ulcer problems:
This is due to the alkaline impact it generates on the body, in addition to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Therefore, it improves gastritis , colitis, ulcers and other stomach ailments.
6. Lowers blood glucose levels:
As potato juice lowers blood glucose levels, it is recommended for those who suffer from this disease.
7. Treat gastrite:
As the potato is alkaline, its properties soothe the gastrointestinal tract and fight acidity. To cure gastritis, take a tablespoon of juice dissolved in water, half an hour before meals.
8. Acts as an anti-inflammatory:
Potato juice has this wonderful property, and that’s why it will work on any pain caused by inflammation, be it arthritis, back pain or joint pain.
9. Improves blood flow:
With the help of the juice, the blood will circulate better through the body.
10. Prevents alkaline properties:
The alkalizing properties of this juice will help prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer .
11. Treats skin problems:
Potato juice is great for clearing the skin , preventing eczema and reducing acne .
12. Accelerates weight loss:
Drink a cup of potato juice in the morning, on an empty stomach, and another 2 hours before bedtime. In addition, to enjoy all these benefits, just prepare this juice in this way and never suffer from these health problems again:
How to make potato juice?
– 2 medium sized raw and cleaned potatoes (preferably organic)
– 150 ml of water .
Preparation mode:
- Prepare the juice in a centrifuge or blender along with the water .
- Then strain and drink immediately.
We must be careful when preparing and consuming this juice:
- Always consume fresh (immediately after preparation).
- The potatoes you use have to be fresh and healthy.
- You must prepare the juice with the peel.
Also, make sure the potatoes you are going to juice are not sprouted, green, stained or dried out as they contain a toxic alkaloid called solanine, which can cause diarrhea , nausea , headache , upset stomach. and dizziness when they accumulate in large amounts in the body.