The 8 Health Benefits of Monkey Apricot
Its leaves and flowers are used medicinally, they are said to have analgesic and antibacterial properties. The bark of its trunk is supposed to cure colds . The juice of the leaves is used to treat malaria and skin diseases, and chewing new leaves relieves toothaches . The inside of fruit can clean wounds, preventing infections (the problem is withholding the smell).
News of the week:
Benefits of Monkey Apricot as Analgesic and Antibacterial: Monkey apricot flowers and leavesare used in medicine for treatments, used as analgesic and antibacterial. bringing great health benefits.
Benefits of Monkey Apricot for Colds: Long used in the past , monkey apricot to cure colds , peeling off its skin and making a powerful home remedy.
Benefits of Monkey Apricot to Treat Malaria: The monkey apricot is widely used, in the past for the treatment of malaria , the juice of its monkey apricot leaves was extracted, the bad thing is to bear the smell that is very strong.
Monkey Apricot Benefits for Skin Diseases: Monkey apricot juicealso has its benefits for treating skin conditions .
Benefits of Monkey Apricot for Toothache: Some say that chewing the monkey apricot tree leaves, it brings great relief to toothaches.
Benefits of Monkey Apricot as an Ornamental Plant: Indeed the monkey apricot is indicated as an ornamental plant for its exuberant characteristics and beautiful flowers.
Benefits of Monkey Apricot for Cleaning Injuries: One of the great uses of monkey apricot is that its interior is used a lot to clean wounds and bruises.
Its flowers have a lot of pollen , which is why bees use them for food. Bees also fertilize plants, carrying pollen from one tree to another.
The flowers contain six fleshy, greenish, orange or red petals and long white, yellow or pink stamens with yellow anthers. They exude a delicate aroma of roses, and are attractive to bees and bumblebees, which are responsible for pollination. Flowering can last throughout the year, but is more intense in spring and summer.
The fruits are large globular capsules, with a brown and woody shell, about 3 kilos and 20 cm in diameter, which earned it the name in English of cannon ball tree. Its pulp is gelatinous, bluish and smelly, with 200 to 300 seeds.
We cannot say the same about the monkey apricot fruit in relation to the flowers, as it has an unpleasant smell, serving as food for animals, especially monkeys (reason for the name).
The monkey apricot tree is best enjoyed from a distance in a spacious farmyard park or in a botanical garden.
If you want to plant from seed or seedlings and you have enough space, simulate the humidity of a forest and its shadows, not letting it get sun, especially at midday.
Monkey apricot is indicated as an ornamental plant for its exuberant characteristics and beautiful flowers. So much so that the Brazilian post office also paid tribute to the beautiful flower of the monkey apricot in the year 1986.
It should be grown in full sun, in fertile soil, enriched with organic matter and watered regularly. It likes heat, humidity and tolerates waterlogging.
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In the early years it is interesting to protect the seedling from the hot midday sun, in the same way as it would be protected by the treetops in the forest. The blooms appear from the fifth year. It is multiplied by seeds.