The 15 Health Benefits of Green Mustard
These green vegetables are being studied in laboratories for their role in cancer prevention . This vegetable has three key components, such as the detoxification process, the antioxidants in the body, and the anti-inflammatory system to prevent cancer . The 15 Health Benefits of Green Mustard:
Green Mustard is a Rich Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Green Mustard is a rich source of Vitamin A , Vitamin C and Vitamin K , which are essential for the healthy functioning of the body. Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant that offers protection against free radical-induced injuries and flu -like viral infections. Vitamin A isessential for maintaining healthy mucus membranes, which are necessary for good vision.
Vitamin K plays an important role in building bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bone. Studies reveal that Vitamin K also plays an important role in limiting neuronal damage in the Brain . Mustard greens are also a good source of Iron , Magnesium , Calcium , Zinc , Potassium , Selenium , Manganese , Folic Acid , Protein and Dietary Fiber .
High in Vitamin K , it works as a strong anti-inflammatory agent and improves cardiovascular health. The Magnesium in Mustard Green helps to soften the walls of the bronchial tubes. Dietary fiber lowers cholesterol levels in the body, reducing the risk of a heart attack. Folates play an important role in DNA synthesis and prevent neural tube defects in newborns when consumed during early pregnancy.
Benefits of Green Mustard for Diabetes: Green mustard is excellent for diabetics. Studies show the anti-oxidant activities of the mustard plant, which helps neutralize the effects of free oxygen molecules and protects against damage caused by oxidative stress in diabetics.
Green Mustard Is Full of Antioxidants: Green mustard contains a high level of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent the appearance of cancer in the body by preventing free radicals and oxidized cells from destroying neighboring cells. Green Mustard is a good source of phytonutrients. Hydroxycinnamic acid, isotnetin, quercetin and kaempferol are the main antioxidant phytonutrients provided by mustard green .
The high content of phytonutrients in this nutritious vegetable helps to reduce oxidative stress on the body’s cells. According to studies, green mustard also helps prevent breast , colon , bladder, prostate , ovary and lung cancer.
Green Mustard as a Detoxifying Agent: The sulfur-rich nutrients and antioxidants present in Green Mustard stimulate the detoxification process in the body. Detoxification is vital for good cardiovascular health, preventing cancer and other chronic diseases.
Green Mustard is a rich source of phytonutrients called glucosinolates, which activate detoxification enzymes in the body and regulate their activity. In addition to detoxifying the body, green mustard also works as a cleansing agent and rids the body of carbon dioxide. It also helps regulate body temperature. These green vegetables are great natural cleansers. They stimulate the ejection of waste from the body and cleanse the system of toxins.
Benefits of Green Mustard for Skin and Hair: Green mustard serves as a wonderful aid in beauty. Henna, leaves cooked with mustard oil help to stimulatehealthy hair growth . Fried Mustard Seeds in Sesame Oil or Coconut Oil , enrich the result, and the sifted oil makes it an effective cure for Acne and promotes clearer complexion.
Green Mustard is an Anti-Inflammatory Agent: Green mustard is also a natural anti-inflammatory which prevents chronic inflammation and reduces the risk of heart disease and arthritis. Green mustard is also rich in essential anti-inflammatory agents such as Vitamin K and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Vitamin K regulates the body’s anti-inflammatory system, while Omega-3 strengthens the body’s Immune System . The isothiocyanates present in mustard induce the body’s anti-inflammatory response and are extremely helpful in reducing the risk of ischemic stroke.
Benefit of Green Mustard For Menopause: Green mustard can prove to be helpful for women during the Menopause stage . Magnesium along with calcium present in mustard encourages bone health and prevents bone loss associated with Menopause . This helps to compensate for low magnesium in bones and other magnesium deficiencies and may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis in menopausal women .
Benefits of Green Mustard for Psoriasis: The small mustard seeds are effective against Psoriasis , which is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease. Studies have validated its effectiveness in healing the inflammation and lesions associated with psoriasis .
Benefits of Green Mustard for Contact Dermatitis: Mustard seeds offer therapeutic relief in contact dermatitis. Some research suggests that consumption of mustard seeds helps in curing the symptoms associated with contact dermatitis!
Green Mustard Prevents Cancer: Glucosinolates are phytonutrients that are found in significant amounts in mustard greens . These provide unique health benefits as they can be converted into isothiocyanates (ITCs) that have cancer -preventing properties . The two important glucosinolates found in this cruciferous vegetable are gluconasturtian and sinigrin. Both are anti-inflammatory agents and reduce the risk of cancer in the body.
Benefits of Green Mustard for Ringworm: The antibacterials in Mustard Seeds have been shown to be effective in healing ringworm injuries. Topical application of a paste made from the seeds to clean skin washed with warm water helps soothe symptoms associated with ringworm .
Green Mustard Benefit For Cardiovascular Health: Cholesterol is used by the liver as a basic building block to produce bile. Bile consists of specialized molecules, which help the body digest and absorb fat molecules through a process called emulsification. Bile is stored in fluid form in the gallbladder and is later released into the intestine for proper digestion of fat and its eventual absorption into the body.
Instead of being absorbed into the bloodstream, the fibers present in green mustard and bile combine and are expelled from the body when there is a bowel movement. This forces the liver to replace the bile acids lost by the body.
Green Mustard Lowers Cholesterol: The leaves of the mustard plant have tremendous cholesterol -lowering power . Studies have shown that cruciferous vegetables such as mustard have an amazing ability to bind bile acids in the digestive tract which facilitate the excretion of these acids from the body. Bile acids normally comprise Cholesterol , so ultimately the binding process helps to reduce the body’s Cholesterol levels .
Green Mustard Benefit For General Health: Green Mustard is excellent for skin and hair, ensuring glowing skin. Additionally, they form an important part of a healthy diet designed to help individuals manage their weight.
Green Mustard is low in calories and can be consumed as a snack or a meal without the fear of gaining weight. Weight controllers, individuals with health issues like constant cold, Anemia , general apathy, weakness, Dry and damaged skin and hair loss will benefit enormously from a diet rich in Green Mustard .