Health benefits of durian

The health benefits of durian are varied. Well, durian has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the general health of the body. In addition, durian is an exotic and controversial fruit in many parts of Southeast Asia and has many benefits for human health, including the ability to boost your immune system , prevent cancer and inhibit free radical activity, improve digestion, strengthen bones, improve signs of anemia , cure insomnia, prevent premature aging, lower blood pressure, and protect against cardiovascular disease .Benefits of Durian and Rich in Vitamins: A high nutritional value Durian , contains high levels of sugar and starch, containing 11%, 13% sugar, 3% protein, as well as a variety of vitamins, fats, calcium, iron and phosphor.

Benefits of Durian to Improve Sexual Appetite: Durian is known to increase libido . In addition, durian  helps to revitalize sex life.

Benefits of Durian For Boosts Immunity: Durian is rich in amino acids, rich in content, with the exception of tryptophan, but also contains seven kinds of essential amino acids, including glutamic acid content is particularly high. Animal experiments have shown that glutamate is an important precursor of nucleic acids, the nucleotides, amino acids, sugars and proteins involved in their synthesis and metabolism , can improve immune function, regulate the body’s acid-base balance, and improve the body’s ability to adapt to stress. Durian fruit has a strong tonic effect on human reason, and contains a lot of useful elements, such as zinc ., but also its aromatic components and other nutrients contained in the act synergistically.

Benefits of Durian to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases: Durian has  the presence of organosulfide helps to regulate inflammatory enzymes. Thus, it has the potential to keep cardiovascular diseases at bay.

Benefits of Durian To Prevent Constipation: Having a high content of dietary fiber, makes it a potent natural laxative effectiveness. Fiber is also good for protecting the mucous membrane of the colon, decreasing contact toxins, which can cause long-term illnesses such as cancer .

Benefits of Durian in Fighting Early Aging: In traditional medicine, durian  has often been hailed as a tool to fight aging. This was one of the main reasons why people call it the “king of fruits“. It turns out that durian  has a wide variety of antioxidant properties that result from its vitamin and organic chemical composition thus reducing the amount of free radicals in the body. In addition, Consumption of an amount of Durian can seriously increase your body’s ability to scavenge free radicals, thus reducing the chances of premature aging and delaying the onset of symptoms such as wrinkles, age spots, macular degeneration, hair loss, o Tooth loss, arthritis, cancer and heart disease.

Benefits of Durian To Relieve Anemia: Folate, if not present in adequate amounts, could reduce the amount of red blood cells produced. This, in turn, can trigger anemia. Durian is a  good source of folate along with copper and iron . Thus, anemic patients can harness the power of this fruit to overcome the health condition.

Benefits of Durian Prevents High Blood Pressure: Durian also contains essential mineral elements. Among them, potassium and calcium content is especially high. Potassium involved in protein, carbohydrate and energy metabolism and material transport, contribute to the prevention and treatment of hypertension .

Benefits of Durian to Maintain Blood Sugar Levels: The presence of manganese at desired levels helps in the regulation and maintenance of blood sugar levels. Thus, it can be enjoyed by diabetics without any fear.

Benefits of Durian for Insomnia: Durian is  rich in tryptophan, this nutrient added to the diet, is extremely beneficial for the brain, as it is converted into serotonin, which causes a feeling of relaxation and happiness. The excess serotonin then releases melatonin into the bloodstream, which makes the body feel tired, and eventually sleepy. If you suffer from insomnia , eat a few pieces of durian  before trying to sleep and see the results for yourself.

Benefits of Durian For Digestive Health: The presence of dietary fiber in durian  helps facilitate bowel movement. This, in turn, keeps constipation at bay and improves the power of digestion. The presence of thiamine and niacin improves appetite as well as digestive power, thus ensuring that the digestive system remains healthy.

Benefits of Durian for Bone Health: The presence of calcium, potassium and B vitamins in significant amounts makes this fruit beneficial for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

Benefits of Durian To relieve stress and depression: The fruit  Durian Fights stress and depression because it is rich in vitamin B6 or pyridoxine which are the substances that fight this evil.

Benefits of Durian to Replenish Energy Levels: 100 grams of this fruit satisfies about 21% of the daily carbohydrate requirement. Being a rich source of carbohydrates, it is useful for replenishing energy levels.

Benefits of Durian For Skin Health: The vitamin C content of durian  fruit skin makes this a major thorn in preventing skin aging and wrinkling. Vitamins in durian acts as a good anti-oxidant to keep skin cells from damage.

Beware of Durian: The only real danger of durian  in food is the fat content. It has about 3 times more than most other fatty fruits, with the exception of avocado. They are generally healthy fats, but for those people struggling with weight gain and obesity, other sources for these health benefits should be sought out instead.

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