The 12 Health Benefits of Coconut Water
The 12 Health Benefits of Coconut Water!
Benefits of Coconut Water as an Energy Drink: The benefits of coconut water after a workout can be comparable to artificially flavored carbohydrate drinks packaged in fancy bottles. With minerals and electrolytes, Coconut Water has all the qualities of a rehydrating sports drink. Coconut water has been found to possess antioxidant properties, which can help in neutralizing reactive oxygen production resulting from prolonged exercise. According to one study, 12 men who underwent 60-minute workouts consumed bottled water, a sports drink, andplain coconut water . The benefits of coconut waterpure were similar to the sports drink in terms of hydration.
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Benefits of Coconut Water to Help Reduce Pigmentation: There may be a number of products on the market that claim to reduce pigmentation, but they are either ineffective or full of harmful chemicals. If you’re looking for a natural alternative, coconut water can help with blemishes and discolored skin.
Benefits of Coconut Water To Reduce Blood Pressure: Who knew that one of the benefits of drinking coconut water could be to control blood pressure? According to a two-week study in seven participants with hypertension, five had a significant reduction in mean systolic blood pressure, while two also had a substantial drop in diastolic blood pressure. The study concluded that just 300 ml of coconut water consumed twice a day can control high blood pressure .
Benefits of Coconut Water for Diabetics : There are many benefits of coconut water and they include better glycemic control. When tested in diabetes-induced mice, coconut water showed therapeutic potential in reducing blood sugar levels and oxidative stress.
Benefits of Coconut Water to Fight Bloated Belly: Coconut water benefits your belly and can be used as an oral rehydration aid to replace fluid loss from the gastrointestinal tract in patients suffering from severe dehydration from diarrhea .
Benefits of Coconut Water to Protect the Liver: One of the benefits of coconut water includes better liver health, thanks to its antioxidants. It protects the liver and heals damaged liver cells, as was observed in a mouse study. In particular, the benefits of green coconut water are much better for the liver and overall health. The antioxidant properties of the green (most common) variety of coconuts protect against oxidative damage.
Benefits of Coconut Water to Control Cholesterol Levels: Thanks to our fast paced routines and increasing dependence on processed foods, cholesterol problems are on the rise. Regular use of coconut water converted excess cholesterol to bile acid in rats. These bile acids are excreted by the. Coconut water also reduced fat accumulation in liver and aorta tissues.
Benefits of Coconut Water for Men: Coconut Water promotessemen quality and quantity. It also benefits the urinary pathway.
Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy: Coconut water contains folate or vitamin B9 , a necessary nutrient to reduce anemia during pregnancy. It promotes fetal health and helps new mothers produce more breast milk. It also relieves common pregnancy problems such as slow digestion, constipation and heartburn. However, do not consume it with a lot of food as it can aggravate nausea.
Benefits of Coconut Water to Reduce Bloating: Bloating is usually gas related. But it can also be caused due to high sodium intake, which coconut water can reduce.
Benefits of Coconut Water for Weight Loss: The benefits of coconut water for weight loss are largely due to the low calorie content and high nutritional value of this drink. It has zero cholesterol and is a great substitute for soda and other high-sugar drinks. It’s an excellent exchange for cutting calories. Natural sugars provide energy without causing a crash later on.
Benefits of Coconut Water to Reduce Signs of Aging: Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots are bound to appear as your skin ages. But with proper care, these signs of aging can be put off. If you are looking for a surefire way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, you can use coconut water as a try.
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Benefits of Coconut Water To Accelerate Metabolism: The benefits of Coconut Water are the acceleration of metabolism. This happens because of the presence of bioactive enzymes such as acid phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA polymerases, etc. A fast metabolism means that the body burns calories faster, preventing them from accumulating and turning into fat.