The 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon Powder
News of the week:
Benefits of Cinnamon Powder To Treat Type 2 Diabetes : Cinnamon powder is such an effective home remedy to control diabetic weight loss.
Benefits of Cinnamon Powder for Lowering Blood Sugar : Several studies have already proven that daily consumption of cinnamon powder (at least ½ teaspoon) can help improve your insulin sensitivity and blood sugar level. That way, it will help you gain control over your body weight and lower your risk of heart disease.
Benefits of Cinnamon Powder for Lowering Cholesterol : According to research, a pinch of cinnamon in your daily diet can lower your cholesterol level by an incredible amount. What’s more, it can considerably reduce triglycerides or fatty acids in the blood.
Benefits of Cinnamon Powder to Fight Cancer : Researchers at the US Department of Agriculture have revealed a shocking fact; Cinnamon reduces thecreation of cancer cells from leukemia and lymphoma. In addition, the fiber and calcium mixture in cinnamon helps to remove bile, which in turn prevents colon cancer.
Cinnamon Powder Benefits Against Cardiovascular Diseases : Cinnamon boosts your cardiovascular system hence protect your body against any heart disorder. For those suffering from high blood pressure and coronary artery disease, cinnamon works as a magical healing element.
Benefits of Cinnamon Powder for Oral Hygiene : Since ancient times, Cinnamon has been used to treat toothaches and fight bad breath . A pinch of cinnamon in your mouth helps improve your oral hygiene.
Cinnamon Powder Benefits for Skin : Cinnamon is widely known for its multiple health benefits. However, only few people know that it can be beneficial for the skin as well. Just add some cinnamon powder to lemon juice and you have an effective anti-acne solution .
It is also effective in treating blackheads, Just a few drops of fresh lemon juice and a pinch of cinnamon powder should help you get effective results.
Cinnamon Healing Powder Benefits : A mixture of honey and cinnamon is highly effective for healing wounds and treating itchy skin
Benefits of Cinnamon Powder Against Diarrhea: Since prehistoric times, Cinnamon has been a highly valued spice not only for its culinary benefits but also for its medicinal use. Cinnamon ‘s healing propertiesmake it a perfect choice for treating a range of ailments such as nausea , colds, diarrhea and dysmenorrhea.
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Cinnamon Powder Benefits for Hair: Cinnamon powder also helps to improve blood circulation, making your hair strong and beautiful. With improved blood circulation in your body, your hair roots and scalp have sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen. Naturally, your hair remains strong, healthy and beautiful.