10 health benefits of arnica tea!
The benefits of arnica tea are diverse, as it has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of the body. In addition, arnica is a plant highly regarded in the ancestral medicines of European peoples and, currently, also in modern phytotherapy. The healing properties and benefits that arnica brings to our body have been known for many centuries and are increasingly considered by modern medicines.
What attracts Arnica is its ability to act in the fight against painful situations, bruises, headaches , bruises and its anti-inflammatory potential, proven to be effective, in addition to its consecrated use as a healing agent and in the fight against bleeding. It is also recognized for its antiseptic and analgesic, tonic and stimulant actions.
News of the week:
Arnica tea also has the medicinal properties of disinfectant, analgesic, tonic, antiseptic, healing, stimulant , antimicrobial and worming agents. This is due to the presence of substances called sesquiterpene lactones.
Relieves swelling and pain, eliminates bacteria, fights stress and depression , reduces menstrual pain, fights cold and bronchitis, helps reduce cholesterol, fights bleeding, eliminates arthritis .
Health benefits of arnica tea:
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Relieves swelling and pain:
Arnica tea can also be used in the form of a compress, in the case of bruises, rheumatism, to relieve swelling and headaches.
Eliminate bacteria:
It contains anti-bacterial properties that will help you to deal with the bacteria and as an anti-inflammation, it will cure the condition caused by inflammation.
For oral health:
The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties makes it great for oral health, it can treat bacterial infections in the mouth.
Stress and depression:
Arnica tea can be beneficial in relieving feelings of depression and emotional distress. It is often used to restore emotional balance and a sense of tranquility.
Reduce menstrual pain:
The anti-inflammatory properties useful for the treatment of menstrual cramps . It can be applied topically to reduce pain and inflammation.
Combat cold and bronchitis:
Arnica tea has also been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms associated with the common cold , cough, bronchitis, fever and sore throat.
Helps to lower cholesterol:
It can reduce serum cholesterol by inhibiting lipogenesis. However, due to the toxicity of helenaline at higher doses.
Fights bleeding:
Internal bleeding is like a minor condition when your blood vessels are broken but the blood is not leaking because there is no open wound. It contains effective anti-inflammatory properties that can heal broken blood vessels very efficiently.
Eliminate Arthritis:
Useful links:
For anyone suffering from the painful symptoms of arthritis or rheumatism, arnica tea can be an effective natural alternative to commonly prescribed skin medications .