10 health benefits of tulsi tea!

Tulsi tea offers the essential nutrients for the body ‘s  overall health, whether it’s a tasty hot drink or iced drink. It is made from the leaves and flowers of the revered Tulsi or Basil plant. Also known as Tulsi Tea , the popular herbal infusion originated in India thousands of years ago and is known for its antioxidant  and adaptogenic properties that promote well-being and longevity.

There is much more than just holiness to holy basil. Tulsi or basil deserves a special place in your garden for its healthy benefits. That’s why some chew its leaves, burn its oil for a calming effect, and also add it to poles, sauces, and salads.

But do you know the most common and effective way to get the best out of basil? Through Tulsi Tea or Basil Tea. Why is Tulsi Tea considered valuable? What exactly does your body do? How do you make this tea? You will only know the answers if you keep reading!

What is Tulsi Tea?

Tulsi is the Sanskrit name for holy basil (Ocimum sanctum). Different parts of the plant (leaves, stems, roots, flowers and seeds) have been used to cure respiratory, digestive, dermal, inflammatory and eye disorders.

Also, as the raw parts of the plant are not very palatable and appreciated by many, the simple way to assimilate the goodness of basil is by adding it to the foods we eat or drink. One such preparation that is made less and still has the greatest medicinal value is Tulsi Tea .

Tulsi tea is made by fermenting tulsi leaves in water. Furthermore, this infusion is exceptionally healthy and has been an important part of Ayurveda for thousands of years. It has digestive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant , stimulant, and stress-relieving properties and is the best beverage choice for those interested in natural healing. That brings us to the next question.

Therapeutic Properties of Tulsi Tea Benefits?

All credit goes to the complex biochemical composition of these plants of the genus Ocimeno. In addition, the plant contains eugenol, ursolic acid and carvacrol, along with apigenin, luteolin, orientia, vicentina and other flavonoids. Terpenes such as linalool, lime trol and caryophyllene, compounds such as rosmarina acid, harvol, propanoic acid, apigenin, marcitin, isotretinoin, orientia and vicentine, various saponins, triterpenoids and tannins are present in different parts of Ocimeno plants.

When you boil tulsi leaves (stems and sometimes slender seeds) in water, most of these phytochemicals are carried into the water , making it a rich, therapeutic mixture – the purest you can get! Isn’t it too good to be true? Fortunately, it’s true, and we have massive research supporting the benefits bestowed by holy basil. Wouldn’t you like to know what they are in detail? Scroll down then!

Benefits of Tulsi Tea Acts as a Potent Antimicrobial:

Tulsi tea has high antibacterial (Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Vibrio), antifungal (Candida), antimycotic, antiviral and antimicrobial activity, due to the high levels of flavonoids, terpenoids and phenolic acids such as linoleic acid.

In addition, Tulsi tea can alleviate bacterial  , fungal and viral infections in the respiratory , digestive, dental, dermal, nervous and urinary systems. It can also reduce inflammation  in various parts of the body caused by these pathogens.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea Relieves Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia:

One of the most common and prevalent occupational disorders is mental stress. It may be accompanied by depression, anxiety and insomnia (insomnia). The medication in these cases is also generic and steroid in origin, which does more harm than good. Benefits  of Tulsi Tea Contains flavonoids (such as eugenol) that can calm you down, work as antidepressants and trigger the production of neurotransmitters that can reduce anxiety and stress.

Making  Tulsi tea a part of your diet can help you manage your circadian rhythm, regularize your sleep cycle, boost your memory and cognition, and also prevent age-induced neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea Protects Your Heart and Regulates Blood Pressure:

Ursolic acid and derivatives present in tulsi leaves have shown cardio protective properties. The phytochemicals in this tea reduce free radicals in the blood, prevent the buildup of cholesterol derivatives on the walls of blood vessels (atherosclerosis), and promote trouble-free circulation by regulating blood pressure. Minerals such as potassium and calcium that protect the heart from myocardial infarction, ischemic attacks, and chemical and oxidative stress.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea for Treating Respiratory Issues:

Ayurveda describes holy basil as the herb that cures respiratory problems such as asthma , bronchitis and pneumonia along with common cold and cough. Due to anti-inflammatory phytochemicals like eugenol, camphene and licinine, this tea works as an excellent expectorant. It releases phlegm and mucus generated as a result of microbial infection. Tulsi  tea helps maintain good respiratory health and prevents the common cold from worsening into complex respiratory ailments.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea Helps Digestion and Weight Loss:

Benefits  of Tulsi Tea can stimulate the production of gastric juices so that the ingested food is digested completely and quickly. It also has anti-ulcerogenic properties, that is, it inhibits the undesirable secretion of pepsin and lipid peroxidation and increases the production of gastric mucin and mucous cells in defense. The  benefits of Tulsi tea  will result in the reduction of cholesterol levels due to its hypo lipidemic action.

Since it allows for quick digestion and assimilation of ingested carbohydrates and proteins, lipids and fats break down slowly – thus reducing hunger pangs and leaving you with a full belly. Additionally, drinking Tulsi tea after meals prevents GERD and the associated risks of heartburn. Indirectly, the delay in lipid assimilation without its peroxidation causes weight loss and decreases serum levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Components of tulsi leaves, hydrochloric acid, linolenic acid, civossimavatine, isothymonine and eugenol, have potent anti-inflammatory effects. They inhibit the activation and production of pro-inflammatory compounds like cyclooxygenase-1 in your body. Taking the  benefits of Tulsi tea can prevent and effectively cure inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, asthma , irritable bowel disease, memory loss (due to inflammation  of neurons), liver cirrhosis, gastric ulcers, hypersensitivity, sinusitis, migraine, periodontitis, acute tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils) and conjunctivitis.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea is an Excellent Antidiabetic and Anepithicemic Supplement:

Tulsi  tea will reduce blood glucose levels, stimulate insulin secretion from the pancreas and increase insulin sensitivity in surrounding tissues. Brewing tea regularly with a few tulsi leaves makes insulin more available in the plasma, so blood glucose is quickly absorbed and metabolized.

It prevents the accumulation and peroxidation of blood glucose and the formation of toxic free radicals and ensures that none of the vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas are affected by chemical stress and inflammation .

Benefits of Tulsi Tea Helps Accelerate Wound Healing:

Holy basil is one of those herbs whose leaves and extracts from elsewhere are applied to heal wounds. Topical application of a paste made from tulsi leaves or a thick, concentrated Tulsi tea preparation of these leaves will accelerate wound contraction, drying and peeling. The flavonoids and terpenes in tulsi leaves have antioxidant properties , which increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes – superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase – in the injured parts of the body. The action of such enzymes on chronic, deep and abnormal wounds helps them to heal quickly.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea is a Natural Analgesic and Antipyretic:

Pain necessarily accompanies all wounds. Managing pain from deep injuries without interfering with wound healing is one of the biggest challenges. In such cases,  Tulsi Tea Benefits  works like magic. Pinene, limonene, linalool, carvacrol, eugenol and related derivatives are responsible for giving tulsi tea its interoceptive or analgesic property. It is as potent as a synthetic pain reliever.

Ayurveda and ancient medicine mention tulsi to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. These properties, along with the anti-inflammatory effects, make it an effective antipyretic. Administering Tulsi tea to people with a fever will lower their body temperature, stimulate the triggered immune response, and reduce the severity of the pathogenic infection, if any, as in the case of malaria, dengue, or the flu virus.

Benefits of Tulsi Tea Helps Heal Eye Infections:

Inflammation of the eye is caused due to bacterial (e.g. Streptococcus, Pseudomonas), fungal (e.g. Fusarium, Aspergillus) and viral (Herpes simplex virus) infections or eye injuries due to chemicals, sharp fragments, plant juices or conditions such as glaucoma and conjunctivitis.

Additionally, due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing properties, Tulsi tea supports the action of ophthalmic medication administered in the form of eye drops or suspensions and aids in speedy recovery.

All these benefits prove what a basil tea is. Is not? Wouldn’t you like to know how to make Tulsi Tea and experience these benefits first hand? Here you go then!

How to Make Tulsi Tea – A Simple Method:

There are many variants of Tulsi Tea , each with elaborate recipes. Also, but I will share the easiest and fastest way to do this. You can customize this basic tea with additives of your choice and make it stronger and more flavorful.


  • 1 small pot or teapot;
  • Water: 3 cups;
  • Tulsi or basil leaves: 10-15, grated;
  • 1 small slice of lemon or lemon juice : 1 tsp (optional);
  • ginger : ½ teaspoon minced (optional);
  • Green cardamom seeds: ½ tsp;
  • Also, honey or sweetener or sugar.

Preparation mode:

  • Also, in a pot or teapot, bring the water to a boil;
  • Add the chopped tulsi leaves, ginger and cardamom seeds (if desired) and let the contents boil for 7 to 10 minutes;
  • Also, strain the contents into a cup of tea with honey, sugar or common sweetener;
  • Serve hot after adding a little lemon juice ;
  • Also, this is the simplest way to make tea;
  • Every sip is like a burst of pure oxygen;
  • Also, and congratulations on kick-starting the cheapest detox regimen!

Tulsi Tea Side Effects:

There is not enough evidence and almost none to demonstrate the side effects of Tulsi tea . Whatever its drawbacks, it is due to the tulsi leaf and not specific to this tea preparation.

Has Anti-Fernality Properties:  One of the main disadvantages associated with basil and its extracts is that it interferes with fertility. However, this effect is more pronounced in men than in women. There’s also not much written or said about how safe Tulsi tea is for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Also, it is best to do it only under strict medical supervision.

Useful links: 

May Act as a Blood Thinner:  Tulsi tea reduces hypertension, whereby it can modify the composition and physical properties of your blood , such as its thickness. Also, if you are about to have surgery, you may be asked to stop drinking this tea because it can delay the blood clotting process , which could be lethal.

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