12 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have Sensitive Teeth!

The foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth are diverse, as some foods can help wear down your tooth enamel, making it more fragile and more conducive to cavities and agonizing sensitivity .

If you’re someone who struggles with sensitive teeth, you know the discomfort and pain that often comes with eating or drinking. Tooth sensitivity can be periodic or it can be present all the time, and is something patients can have their entire lives or develop later on.

The two main causes of tooth sensitivity are thinning of the tooth enamel and recession of the gums with exposure of the roots. Unfortunately, these conditions can lead to people being sensitive to different temperature extremes while eating and drinking, among other things.

That said, the dentist has come up with the best way to avoid irritating sensitive teeth even more in everyday life, and unsurprisingly, it starts with diet . So avoid the foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth.

The best way to deal with tooth sensitivity is to use sensitive toothpaste and avoid contact with the foods and drinks that cause these problems, teeth whitening should also be avoided if you have sensitivity .

Foods to avoid if you have sensitive teeth:

1. Oranges:

Avoiding this common citrus fruit is a good idea if you have sensitive teeth, because all acidic foods can erode your enamel. That said, to avoid sensitivity , it’s best to stay away from an acidic diet in general.

2. Lemons:

As he emphasized that citric acids are a big no-no for sensitive teeth because they can cause discomfort, passing on these sour yellow and green fruits is recommended.

3. Toranjas:

This citrus fruit, common at breakfast time, can be even worse for sensitive teeth if you add sugar for the extra flavor. Citric acid will break anyone’s teeth, but it will make it worse for someone with thinner enamel. So avoid the foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth.

4. Iced coffee:

Both hot and cold coffee can trigger teeth sensitivity as extreme temperatures are irritating. So it’s best to skip the popular caffeinated drink, especially the chilled variety.

The biggest complaints I get from people with sensitive teeth are about cold liquids. So avoid the foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth.

5. Ice cream:

As we know that temperature is a huge trigger when it comes to sensitive teeth, as well as sweet and sugary foods, ice cream has also dropped off the no-go list. Most of the time, the temperature issue is extreme temperatures in hot and cold things can affect sensitive teeth.

6. Sopa:

We now know that extreme temperatures can cause tooth sensitivity ; so try not to use hot soup if you don’t want to feel pain or discomfort. Opt for food at room temperature.

7. Tomatoes:

Tomato is another food with high acidity; therefore, Cattanese suggests taking a pass on whole tomatoes and tomato sauce to avoid triggering teeth sensitivity or even irritating heartburn.

8. Soft drink:

Soda is sugary and acidic, so it’s essentially a double whammy when it comes to irritating sensitive teeth. Soda is a big problem to avoid. The main one is the high concentration of sugar. So avoid the foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth.

9. Sweets:

Sweet foods can negatively affect those with sensitive teeth, and sour sweets , for example, are a treatment especially worth avoiding. So avoid the foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth.

Not only do they have a lot of sugar, they are also very acidic, which is why they are sour. Crunchier foods can also sometimes cause problems in some patients.

10. Tea:

Some people are sensitive to heat and others are sensitive to cold,” so tea may or may not be good for you. If you’re sensitive to heat, choose iced tea , and if you’re sensitive to cold, choose hot tea .

This varies from person to person, so you’ll have to experiment on your own to see what affects your teeth the most. If you are sensitive to both, avoid this drink altogether. So avoid the foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth.

11. Orange juice:

Orange juice contains citric acid , sugar, and is served very cold, so it’s best to skip it unless you drink it with a straw. People with sensitive teeth can have very cold things, but generally the best way to drink is through a straw, so you keep the cold away from your teeth and just put it in the back of your mouth.

12. Energy drinks:

Energy drinks like Monster or Red Bull are known to wear down tooth enamel over time, and as we learned, thinning enamel is what causes sensitive teeth. Instead, perhaps opt for room temperature water. So avoid the foods you should avoid if you have sensitive teeth.

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