Foods that can replace pain medication!

Foods that can replace pain medications that you need to know about. In addition, the  pain can make your everyday life difficult. This problem can make you uncomfortable, restless and unable to work efficiently. Many seek to alleviate this problem by opting for pain medication. But this is a temporary solution. Statistics show that about 50 million Brazilians suffer from chronic pain. Individuals with this type of pain take little care of their health and have a number of disabilities than those with less severe pain.

There are several alternative therapies, including acupuncture, spinal manipulation, massage therapy, relaxation techniques, and yoga to relieve chronic pain. But, a diet centered around pain-relieving foods can speed up this recovery process. We list 5 foods that should be included in the diet to relieve pain


Cherry is one of the foods that can replace pain medication . Who knew that a juicy and delicious fruit would make this list? Cherries decrease high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) in the body. This protein is responsible for inflammation and pain. Studies have shown that cherry is able to relieve pain and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis . They are also able to relieve muscle pain.

Although there is no specific dosage, you can eat a handful of cherries, or drink a glass of cherry juice daily If you’re an athlete prone to chronic pain, you can include cherry blossom juice as a pre-workout drink.


Ginger is a good food option  that can replace pain medications . This root is not just for spicing up food and relieving a sore throat . Ginger contains properties that are similar to non – steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but without side effects. Therefore, it can be used to relieve pain caused by osteoarthritis . Ginger can also be used to relieve pain due to migraines, dysmenorrhea, and muscle pain due to exercise.

To use ginger for pain and inflammation, consume less than 4 grams per day. Pregnant women should not consume more than 1 gram per day. For pain caused by osteoarthritis , use the dosage of 250 mg 4 times a day.


Spinach is rich in B vitamins and calcium , which reduce peptic ulcer symptoms, including chronic pain. It is also rich in Vitamin K which relieves pain caused by arthritis .

To combat your chronic pain with Spinach , consume two servings (2 cups) of spinach daily. You can add it to a smoothie or salad.

Pepper mint:

Another of the best  foods that can replace pain medications  is peppermint . The word mint is often associated with candy and bubblegum. But, it can be used in addition to its flavor and aroma. Peppermint  relieves headaches and muscle pain . It also relieves abdominal pain caused by irritable bowel syndrome .

You could include peppermint in your diet by drinking peppermint tea times a day. You can make this tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of peppermint leaves in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Peppermint capsules and oil can also help with pain relief.

Foods rich in omega 3:

Foods rich in omega 3 are a good choice of  foods that can replace pain medications. Healthy fats are an important inclusion in any diet. Foods rich in omega 3 like fish, flaxseed , olive oil, eggs and walnuts have natural anti-inflammatory properties that relieve pain , swelling and redness caused by arthritis .

Studies show that foods rich in omega 3 are comparable to pain medications such as ibuprofen. The best part? They don’t have any of the side effects that pain medications have.

Pain medications are addictive and their overdose has resulted in 48,000 deaths. They also have their own side effects. In this way, limiting your pain medication consumption and choosing natural alternatives that relieve chronic pain from pain can help you relieve chronic pain without harming your health further.

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