The 12 Exercises to Enlarge the Butt

The 12 Butt Enlargement Exercises can all be done at home. In addition, Conquering a defined and pert butt is one of the most pursued dreams by women who sweat their shirt at the gym. Famous for the part of the body that so attracts men’s attention, Brazilian women are always looking for novelties to ensure quick and lasting results in physical activities and aesthetic treatments. Check out some exercises that work the butt muscles the most

The sets need to be made up of the best butt exercises, like the ones you see in the list below. Take a close look and see with your trainer, which ones can be part of your training, given your goals, health and physical condition. then check out The 12 Butt Enlargement Exercises. 

Front plank: Lie on your stomach (with your belly down) and keep your elbows on the floor, in line with your shoulders. Make a movement to raise the trunk, always contracting the abdomen. During the exercise, keep your body completely straight, without lifting your butt or lowering your hips. Stay on top for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat for 6 times. therefore the Front Plank is one of the best  Butt Enlargement Exercises.

Squats:  With or without weights, the activity is one of the activities that works the butt muscles the most . A good option is to perform the squat with one foot in front of the other, alternating legs. Do a session of 15 to 20 squats, keeping your spine straight. Squats are one of  the Butt Enlargement Exercises that are fundamental and effective.

Lateral Leg Raise: Lie on your side, keeping your spine straight. The legs should be extended in line with the torso, glued to each other. Support your head in one of your hands and leave the other on the floor in front of your torso. Raise both legs together, without separating them, and release slowly. This movement will contract the side of the abdomen. To intensify, you can use shin guards. Do 2 to 3 sets of 12 to 15 times on each side. The Lateral Leg Raise exercise is also part of the best  Butt Enlargement Exercises.

On all fours : Get on all fours and lift one leg toward the ceiling, contracting your butt until you return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg.

Bridge: Lie on your stomach . Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. This way, your body will be supported by your feet and shoulders. Keep your arms stretched out on the floor, together and along your body. In this position, lift your hips as high as you can and come back. Do 3 sets of 15. This  Butt Enlargement Exercise is one of the most complicated but also one of the best.

Running: Simple and without equipment, running helps to define legs and butt , in addition to burning calories.

Bent Knee Raise: This option is ideal for those who suffer from back pain. Lying on your back, bend your knees towards your chest. Extend your legs so that your feet point up. Do 3 to 6 sets of 20 reps or boost with 3 sets of 20 reps + 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Leg Press: The basic gym machine is a great option for toning your hips, buttocks and hamstrings.

Elevation of the legs together: Lying on your back, place both hands under your hips, serving as support for the body. Stretch both legs up, forming a 90 degree angle. Hold the position for 30 seconds or do 2 sets of 10 or 3 of 15, lowering your leg until it almost touches the floor. Shin pads can also enhance. this exercise is one of the best  exercises to enlarge the butt

Step: Step exercises leave toned legs and buttocks up, in addition to helping to burn calories.

Trampoline: Fun and suitable for burning calories, the simple device helps you work your butt and leg muscles.

Spinning: Like the bike, it’s a great option to lose weight and lift your butt . A one-hour class of activity burns up to 700 calories.

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