Eggplant → 12 Benefits of Eggplant and What is it for and How to Use it?
Nutritional Value of Eggplant:
Eggplant is a source of vitamins, calcium , protein and iron . It also has saponin, an element that acts as a detergent in the body . Saponin breaks down fat molecules in the blood and prevents the body from absorbing them. Because it is full of phenolic compounds, antioxidant substances, it helps to reduce free radicals. In this way, eggplant protects the body from arthritis and osteoarthritis. The food also has vitamin B6, which helps in the production of red blood cells and enables communication between muscles and nerves, and also the production of insoluble fibers, which help prevent constipation. so check it out The 12 Benefits of Eggplant for Lowering Cholesterol:
News of the week:
Benefits of Eggplant to Reduce Cholesterol: A diet rich in vegetables not only stimulates the functioning of the digestive system, but also contributes to the health of the eyes, heart and supplies the body with fiber and essential nutrients, such as vitamins C and complex B. And among these important vegetables to the human body we can mention the powerful purple vegetable: the eggplant ! Rich in anthocyanin, an antioxidant compound that prevents inflammation and blood vessel damage, it also helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL).
Health benefits of eggplant:
Benefits of Eggplant to Improve the Functioning of the Organism: Eggplantis a source of vitamins, calcium , proteins and iron . It also has saponin, an element that acts as a detergent in the body . Saponin breaks down fat molecules in the blood and prevents the body from absorbing them.
Benefits of Eggplant to Combat Free Radicals: It has been highly proven, that Eggplant Because it is full of feroic compounds, antioxidant substances, it helps to reduce free radicals.
Benefits of Eggplant to Prevent Constipation: Eggplantis a food very rich in vitamin B6, which helps in the production of red blood cells and enables communication between muscles and nerves, and also the production of insoluble fibers, which help to prevent constipation.
Benefits of Eggplant to Fight Urinary Tract Infections: Eggplant purpleis not just a color or detail. The colorful shell reveals a powerful antioxidant. “Among the various phytochemicals, anthocyanin, the pigment responsible for the black, red, bluish coloration of various foods and present in the eggplant peel , has been associated with the reduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) oxidation, prevention of platelet aggregation, cancer and of urinary tract infections
Benefits of Eggplant for Hormonal Balance: Eggplantis rich in protein. Hormones are also substances in the body made up of proteins, so to have a good hormonal balance it is necessary to consume this nutrient properly. Problems such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, stress or anxiety can be caused by hormonal changes, and a balanced diet is essential to improve symptoms and treat diseases.
Benefits of Eggplant to Strengthen Bones: Eggplant iswell known for its high content of calcium , a very important super nutrient for health . Calcium is responsible for developing and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. The lack of this mineral can develop diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia. It is very important to consume calcium in adolescence and childhood because at this stage the bones are in the development and structuring phase.
Benefits of Eggplant for the Transport of Oxygen: Red blood cells, cells responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood, are formed by proteins, and therefore a low consumption of this nutrient can cause problems such as anemia, weakness, pallor and lack of disposition. Eggplant is considered a super food for its high protein content.
Benefits of Eggplant For Brain Health: Studies report that eggplant is rich in iron , a mineral of paramount importance for health. Iron helps our mind to develop in a healthy way , preventing the appearance of cognitive problems, as Emma explains: Oxygen reaches our brain thanks to iron . Assuming that the brain uses approximately 20% of all the oxygen in our blood, it is easy to see that the nutrient is directly linked to mental health.”
Benefits of Eggplant to Improve Food Absorption: Gastric juice and digestive enzymes are formed by proteins, responsible for breaking food into smaller particles that will be absorbed by the intestine. In addition, the cells of the intestine have transporters that are formed by proteins and that act as doors that allow the entry of digested nutrients into the body . As reported above, eggplant has a high protein content.
Benefits of Eggplant in Pregnancy: In addition to the large amount of calcium and protein in eggplant , this super food is also high in iron . In the last six weeks of pregnancy, the baby begins to form its own iron stores , and it is this ‘stock’ that will keep the child healthy until approximately the first 6 months of life. Nutritionists also warn that it is essential that future mothers monitor the level of iron throughout pregnancy because at this stage the demand for the nutrient tends to be 3 times greater than normal. Be alert.
Benefits of Eggplant to Fight Restless Leg Syndrome: Iron deficiency is one of the causes of restless leg syndrome. Most research on this syndrome has focused on iron . Low levels of iron in the blood are the main cause of the condition so adequate intake of iron supplements at required levels as per the doctor’s recommendation can cure this problem.
Useful links:
Eggplant is a super food, which contains a significant amount of iron in its composition, as reported above. Therefore, regular consumption of eggplant can help in the treatment of this condition.