5 Easy Tips to Eliminate Vaginal Odor!
The easy tips to eliminate vaginal odor 100% naturally it may seem difficult depending on the condition, but it is normal for your vagina to have a slight odor, but if you find it too strong, like a fishy smell or other unpleasant, it could indicate another health problem.
In addition, this odor may be accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation or vaginal discharge . In general, if you have no other problems, it may not be abnormal. In addition, it can occur in women at various stages of life. And in this case it is not a strong odor due to lack of hygiene, but a health problem for the woman.
1. Garlic:
Easy tips to eliminate vaginal odor:
It might seem strange to use one strong- smelling food to get rid of another, but garlic is known for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
In addition, it is also a perfect natural antibiotic to use as a home remedy to treat vaginal infections and odors . Garlic ‘s antifungal properties help fight candidiasis infection , i.e. getting rid of bacteria that multiply out of control.
Only incorporate raw or cooked garlic daily in your diet. Garlic is available in pill form at many health food stores, or you can eat one or two raw cloves a day on an empty stomach with a glass of warm water .
2. Sodium bicarbonate:
Baking soda can be used to balance pH levels in the body. Once the pH is balanced. The problem eventually disappears, which is why we can add the use of baking soda as a natural deodorant.
To use, just add half a cup of baking soda to your bath water and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
After that, dry your body completely before putting on your clothes. Make sure you don’t leave any moisture behind in your groin creases or genital area.
3. Yogurt:
Yogurt is one of the best natural remedies to fight fungi and bacteria . This is due to its high concentration of lactobacilli, a healthy bacteria that has the ability to regulate the vaginal flora to alter the environment that pathogens need.
- Dip a piece of cotton into the product and then apply it directly to the outer parts of the vagina .
- Leave on for 10 minutes, rinse and apply up to three times a day, for as long as you need to get rid of the infection .
4. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar or apple cider vinegar has excellent antibacterial and antiseptic properties and is on the list of easy tips to eliminate vaginal odor . Just taking a bath with apple cider vinegar helps to reduce the toxins and bacteria that cause Vaginal Odor while still restoring (balancing) the acidity and vaginal flora .
- Try drinking a glass of water with one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily for best results.
5. Water:
There is no way to stress enough the importance of water in the matter, especially in drinking a lot. Vaginal mucous membranes need water in your system to function properly, so it’s important to keep them well hydrated.
- In addition, water also helps to lubricate the vagina naturally, which helps to lessen vaginal odors .
Before using easy tips to eliminate vaginal odor , or any other type of home treatment, it is advisable to look for a specialized professional, so that he can indicate the best form of treatment for your condition.