10 health benefits of cucumber!
Cucumber is popular in diets as it is low in calories and fat but has many health benefits. This is because it has an excellent source of vitamin K , vitamin C , B vitamins, soluble and insoluble fiber , potassium , fatty acids and phosphorus . It also has phytonutrients that are critical for good health. These are the main reasons to eat cucumber .
1. Hydrate the body:
It contains 95% water , which helps in maintaining hydration and normalizing body temperature. In addition, cucumber is a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C , folic acid and fiber.
2. Prevent cancer:
Due to its components such as fisetin, lutein and caffeic acid, cucumber has anti-proliferative effects on breast cancer cells. Consume cucumber to reduce the risk of breast, prostate, ovarian, lung and uterus cancer.
3. Improves digestion:
The high content of water and dietary fiber present in cucumber improves digestion. In addition, the compound erepsin helps in the absolution of proteins and prevention of digestive disorders such as heartburn, constipation, heartburn and ulcers.
4. Get rid of bad breath:
It fights bad breath thanks to phytochemicals that help eliminate bacteria. In addition, because it is crispy, it increases the production of saliva in the mouth. This eliminates odor-causing bacteria. So, when you’re done with your meals, have some Cucumber .
5. Lower blood sugar:
Cucumber has a special hormone that the pancreas uses to produce insulin. Insulin helps cells convert carbohydrates into energy, which is very beneficial for diabetics. If carbohydrates are not converted into energy, your blood glucose level will rise.
6. Lower blood pressure:
Cucumber has a lot of potassium , magnesium and fiber that help regulate blood pressure. In addition, it is a natural diuretic and this helps in hydration and reduction of pressure in the arteries. To lower blood pressure, cucumber juice must be mixed with carrot and lemon juice . Take this once or twice a day until you notice results.
7. Eliminate cellulite:
Cucumber also helps in the extraction of excess fluid under the skin, reducing cellulite . Furthermore, the phytochemicals present in cucumbers help in tightening the outer layer of the skin, thus minimizing the visibility of cellulite . Mix half a cup of ground coffee with cucumber juice to make a thick paste.
Add a tablespoon of honey, apply the paste on the affected area and wrap it with a muslin cloth. Let it act for 30 minutes. Remove the tissue and gently exfoliate. Apply this remedy twice a week for several months. You can also eat one cucumber a day to prevent cellulite .
8. Prevent hangover:
Avoid headaches and hangovers thanks to cucumbers, which replenish essential nutrients lost when drinking alcohol. To avoid a hangover, consume a few slices of cucumber before bed after drinking.
9. Cure Sunburn:
This benefit is attributed to its healing properties, magnesium and potassium . If you have a sunburn, take a cucumber and apply the paste to the affected skin. Let it dry on its own. Rinse with cold water . You can apply this remedy once a day for a week.
10. Reduces eye puffiness:
Ascorbic acid decreases water retention and this decreases puffiness under the eyes. Additionally, the enzymes and astringent properties in cucumber help in decreasing inflammation. Cut a cucumber into thick slices and let it cool in the fridge. Place a slice in each eye for 10 minutes. Wash with warm water . It also helps in reducing dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes.