5 Common Symptoms of Menopause in Women!

The common symptoms of menopause in women can be identified quickly, as it is an easy and effective way to find out if your discomfort is really caused by menopause . So, that way it’s very easy to stay tuned and follow your symptoms to go to a specialist.

Sometimes they start before age 40, at the latest usually at age 50: menopause, technically called climacteric. It is the stage of life when the concentration of sex hormones slowly decreases.

Most women hardly notice anything except that the period becomes irregular, the bleeding becomes heavier rather than weaker, and finally it does not occur.

However, at least one-third of women experience common menopausal symptoms . Symptoms occur during menopause, which can differ in appearance and intensity from person to person.

What are the causes of menopause?

The “blame” of common menopausal symptoms  is the hormonal change in the female body, which is controlled by the pituitary gland. This evolutionary program has been inscribed in our genes for thousands of years and causes the ovaries to continually produce less hormones, estrogen and progesterone, from age 40 onwards and reduce fertility.

How does menopause affect your hormones?

On the other hand, while estrogen production decreases, the level of gonadotropin increases. One of the controlling hormones from the pituitary to the ovary is follicle-stimulating hormone. Another is called luteinizing hormone. The concentration of gonadotropins at menopause is about 6 times higher than before.

What happens during menopause?

Common menopausal symptoms may occur  that significantly reduce the quality of life of affected women. Due to reduced hormone production, the body reacts in about 65% of all women with typical symptoms.

Such as nervousness, internal restlessness and rapid heartbeat, sleep disturbances, exhaustion, hot flashes, hair loss and skin changes and weight gain. The mental state also changes during this phase.

Many women tend to feel depressed or “superfluous”. Almost every third woman is affected by complaints, which often makes her everyday life very boring.

Common symptoms of menopause in women :

1. Hot flashes and rapid heartbeat:

These common menopausal symptoms in women  spread further from the face to the neck and upper body, followed by a bout of sweating that can last for several minutes. Other side effects can include a racing heart and an increased heart rate. Normally, the organism calms down after a push. It is common to wake up sweaty in the morning.

2. Sleep Disorders:

Bouts of sweat can cause sleep disturbances. Also, declining performance is noticeable and prevents falling asleep and staying asleep. The depth of restful sleep decreases.

3. Depressed mood:

Mood swings are not uncommon in menopause . First they become noticeable, then they can lead to a feeling of emptiness and redundancy. Negative feelings or excessive nervousness are also a sign that hormone production is decreasing.

4. Seca:

Due to decreased estrogen production , the mucous membranes of the skin are poorly supplied with blood. This also affects the vagina, which becomes dry and sometimes reacts to the hormonal change with itching.

Sometimes intercourse is felt as painful and susceptibility to infections (fungi, bacteria) in the vagina is increased. Eyes and mouth can also suffer from a lack of estrogen , so dryness is also very unpleasant.

5. Urinary tract infections:

Because muscles and tissues usually relax more quickly than they did when young, the pelvic floor and the muscles that surround the urinary tract are also more likely to sag. Common urinary tract infections , urge to urinate and incontinence are common symptoms of menopause in women .

Men also enter menopause:

Incidentally, the fall in the production of sex hormones also affects men. While this makes the fort more peaceful, it can also lead to a number of symptoms that resemble the more common symptoms of menopause for women.

The main signs of male menopause are sleep disturbances, loss of libido, weight gain, fatigue, depression and hot flashes. Testosterone levels do not drop quickly, but gradually.

However, the complaints are less pronounced in most men. Because with them in contrast to women – the hormone level decreases very slowly and steadily.

In women, the reduction occurs differently, slow and fast hormone decreases alternately in phases. This is why common menopausal symptoms in women  occur more often.

However, women need not despair during menopause  and its symptoms. The fact is some are worse, others are less. But there are mitigating approaches to many of the symptoms, such as the right diet during menopause .

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