The 7 Common Habits That Damage Your Liver

The 7 Common Habits That Damage Your Liver  That You May Be Doing and  How Do We Know If We’re Taking Care of Our Liver Properly? Sometimes we unintentionally and knowingly make small mistakes, or we have lifestyle habits that are not suitable for the health of our body.

in addition The liver is one of the body’s vital organs and is absolutely essential for life. Located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, it has many functions (about 500 different processes), including detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of various biochemicals. The liver supports almost every other organ in the body and so liver health is critical to the health of the entire body.

Currently, there is no artificial organ or device capable of emulating all liver functions. The liver can be damaged by bad habits and the consequences of this can be so serious as to be fatal. However, one thing that is interesting about the liver is that it has the power to regenerate itself. Get a clean lifestyle and over time it can rebuild and restore. Here are 5 of the most important bad habits that can harm your liver. So, check out the 7 Common Habits That Damage Your Liver.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption: This must be the most popular of the Common Habits that Damage Your Liver . in addition, alcohol is one of the most common causes of liver damage . Disorders caused by excessive alcohol consumption include alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver and cirrhosis. Alcohol is a poison and the excessive load on the liver takes a heavy toll.

Poor diet and obesity:   Poor diet can damage the liver gradually over time, thus being one of the main  common habits that damages your liver. in addition, as he has to work harder to process the toxins. with this, the accumulation of fats in the liver can lead to neoalcoholic fatty liver.

Overuse of Medicines: Overuse of Medicines are  Common Habits that Damage Your Liver. Becausecertain drugs are notorious for liver damage – in particular acetaminophen and drugs used to treat cancer. However, many artificial substances are toxic to the liver . In rare cases, acute liver failure and death have been attributed to ibuprofen.

Smoking (Tobacco):  The act of Smoking or smoking is the one of the Common Habits that Damage Your Liver. Furthermore, Nicotine not only harms the lungs, but also harms the liver. The numerous toxic substances inhaled in cigarette smoke find their way to the liver and increase the total toxic load placed on the organ.

Not getting enough sleep:  Insomnia is one of the common habits that damage your liver. moreover, it not only affects the day but also the liver . did some scientific studies that showed that sleep deprivation predisposes the liver to oxidative stress , which can play an important role in the formation or overall progression of sleep deprivation-induced metabolic diseases. Sleep deprivation has also been implicated in numerous other conditions, including neurobehavioral, metabolic cardiovascular morbidity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and insulin resistance.

Not urinating in the morning: Surely this information also surprised you. this becomes one of the  Common Habits that Damage Your Liver. In addition, there are people who get up in such a hurry and leave the house with the idea of ​​having breakfast or coffee at work, and then, later, looking for a bathroom to urinate peacefully. It’s a dangerous custom. Holding back the urge to urinate can not only damage the liver, but also our kidneys. Never do it!

Skipping Breakfast:  Skipping breakfast is one of the Common Habits that Damage Your Liver. because, when we get up in the morning, our energy stores of glucose are very low. It is a state that affects our liver, which prevents it from obtaining energy to fulfill its essential functions. Many people fast to lose weight (a big mistake), or because they are in a hurry. These people are neglecting a very important moment of the day, which is breakfast. Don’t skip it, don’t forget this essential part of your nutrition, your organism, your liver and your brain need this initial supply of energy to start the day right.

Poor diet:  A bad diet is one of the main  Common Habits that Damage Your Liver. because, The liver is very sensitive to poor diet, the combination of sodium, many calories, sugars, causes an increase in blood pressure, cholesterol , the incidence of the so-called fatty liver. Liver dysfunctions are most of the time the consequences of inadequate nutrition and full of fats, with many harmful elements that damage the liver. Pay attention to your food .

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