Colic in Pregnancy – What is it? When to worry? ATTENTION!

This cramping in pregnancy is very similar to those of menstruation and is very normal. As long as there is no bleeding, there is no need to worry. Colic is a common symptom, but it can often be frightening, especially if it occurs during pregnancy. So it can be helpful to know that cramping is the uterus ‘s response to just about anything that’s happening to or around it. Some women experience cramping during the first few months.

As our baby grows, so does our gut. Therefore, this pain is also related to the pressure that the baby puts on the muscles, ligaments and veins. In addition, your body’s internal organs are also trapped due to the baby’s growth. As long as they are mild and transient, it is perfectly normal and not a cause for alarm.

Types of colic in pregnancy:

Colic in pregnancy are attacks of cramping in the body of an expectant mother (most often in the abdomen), which occur suddenly and can be permanent. Causes of  colic in pregnancy are very diverse. They may be associated with exacerbated chronic diseases of internal organs located in the abdominal cavity, in addition to the rapid development of the fetus in the uterus of a pregnant woman .

Sometimes, pregnancy colic  occurs due to displacement of the internal organs of a pregnant woman due to the unusual growth or arrangement of the fetus. A similar condition develops when the muscles are in a state of prolonged spasm. Colic in pregnancy can be caused by certain food products: for example, soda and some herbal teas.

There are several types of colic in pregnancy:

  1. Resulting from the hormonal restructuring of the female body;
  2. Developing as a result of implantation of the egg in the wall of the uterus ;
  3. Intestinal;
  4. Groin;
  5. Vaginal;
  6. Hepica;
  7. Renal, etc.

Causes of colic:

Pregnancy cramps that are relatively mild and occur from time to time are likely to be nothing to worry about. Some additional causes for mild pregnancy cramping include:

  1. Gas and bloating;
  2. Cold;
  3. Sexual relations.

While some pregnancy cramping can be common, there are some serious causes of severe pregnancy cramping  that can be dangerous like:

1. Ectopic pregnancy:

This type of pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus . Ectopic pregnancies can cause painful cramping and is a serious medical condition that should be treated by your doctor.

2. Miscarriage:

Vaginal spotting accompanied by mild or sharp cramping can be a sign of miscarriage, although some pregnant women with spots and cysts may have healthy pregnancies. If you experience cramping and severe bleeding, contact your doctor immediately.

3. Preeclampsia:

It is characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine. Severe preeclampsia can cause severe pain in the upper abdomen.

4. Premature birth:

Increased pressure, abdominal pain, and cramping can be a sign of preterm labor, which is if the cervix starts to dilate before 37 weeks.

5. Urinary tract infections:

Lower abdominal pain and painful urination can be symptoms of a urinary tract infection.

6. Placental detachment:

It occurs when the placenta separates from the uterus before the baby is born. This is a life-threatening condition and can be signaled by a painful cramping that doesn’t go away. If this happens, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Could it be miscarriage during pregnancy?

Although not all cramping  in pregnancy is a sign of a serious problem, there are cases in which the pain is related to the miscarriage. The cramps  in pregnancy that tend to get worse and those that are accompanied by bleeding are the ones that are usually related to miscarriages. If the pregnancy is advanced, the pains can also be a harbinger of premature birth. The best thing is to get in touch with the prenatal doctor as soon as possible.

How to reduce colic in pregnancy?

If the colic is sporadic and of low intensity, the orientation is that the pregnant woman reduce her activities or rest until they disappear. Avoiding sexual intercourse at this stage is also interesting.

Useful links: 

In the face of more intense colic, medication may be necessary. It is also important to research other causes of colic in pregnancy , such as a urinary tract infection. For this, evaluation in a specialized service is necessary, with subsidiary exams and, in some cases, with hospitalization for more effective treatment. Some other care can also reduce the pain caused by colic:

  1. Trying to sit, lie down or change position;
  2. Take a hot bath;
  3. Try to do relaxation exercises;
  4. Drink plenty of fluids.

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