Carrot Diet for Weight Loss: Does it Work? benefits and menu

Carrot diet for weight loss. Also, carrots are one of the most popular and versatile vegetables in the world!

Carrot consumption can be raw, cooked or juiced, people from almost all cultures have consumed and consume carrots in their many forms, throughout history including.

While carrots are known for their orange color, they come in a variety of colors.

They can be found in shades of purple, yellow, white and red.

Carrots are orange in color due to antioxidants called carotenoids.

One of these carotenoids is beta-carotene, a precursor to active vitamin A that is responsible for many of the carrot and carrot juice benefits we know today.

The Carrot Diet brings glucose and sucrose, two natural energy sugars, essential for any type of muscle activity. It is very rich in fibers such as lignin and pectin , which regulate intestinal function, cleanse the body and restore balance.

The  Carrot Diet brings important minerals for bones and blood, such as Calcium , Phosphorus , Sodium , Magnesium , Zinc or Potassium; it is a treasure trove of B vitamins, active in tissue nutrition and repair; of Vitamin A , accomplice of the good condition of the skin, nails and hair; and Vitamin C , powerful protection against external aggressions.

And if all these benefits of carrots add to the fact that carrots provide only 27 calories per 100 grams, it is clear that it is an ideal partner when organizing the  Carrot Diet for weight loss without the risk of scarcity, sagging, wrinkles, fatigue. , anxiety or boredom .

Carotene is transformed in the body into Vitamin A , which protects the skin and prepares it for the sun. Vitamin A neutralizes the formation of free radicals responsible for cell degeneration, defends the mucous membranes and strengthens night vision. A serving of 100g of carrots is enough to meet the daily needs of this vitamin.

Don’t forget that too much pure Vitamin A can have toxic effects, which doesn’t happen if you overdo it with carrots, as beta-carotene is turned into Vitamin A only when the body needs it. Here are some of the health benefits of carrots:


1. Zinc also contributes to skin health:

With Carrot Diet Help it improves wound healing, protects against infections and heals skin changes.

2. Detoxifies the body:

The carrot diet  is rich in antioxidants that cleanse the body of cholesterol and unwanted toxins that can lead to various disorders and diseases. Carrot Vitamin A regulates the liver in removing toxins from the body.

3. Increases immunity:

Now you know the secret behind the cute bunnies. The carotene-rich vegetable cleanses and improves the functioning of the body. It is an excellent immunomodulator. In terms of beta-carotene concentration , carrots are second to peppers.

4. Low-carb diet:

Contains 10% carbohydrates, vitamins A , Vitamin D , Vitamin E , Vitamin K , Vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, sterols and lecithin. These vitamins prevent the formation of free radicals in the body. Carotene is converted into Vitamin A (rich in antioxidants) with the help of liver enzymes.

5. Benefits of carrots to improve vision:

Carrots contain beta-carotene which converts into Vitamin A which is important in general eye health. Insufficient intake of Vitamin A can deteriorate photoreceptors, causing damage to vision.

6. Helps prevent disease:

Prevents cardiovascular disease, cataracts, cancer and atherosclerosis. Contains iodine (brain food) and fiber that will help reduce fat.

Now that we know the benefits of carrots, check out the  Carrot Diet and Lose 3kg in 1 Week :


Eating carrots for lunch and dinner will result in 3-4 pounds of easy weight loss. If you are planning on going on the carrot diet, make sure you include some ingredients with carrots as this will balance out the nutrition.



  • 1 cup of skimmed milk,
  • 1 slice of wholemeal toast with 1 teaspoon of diet jam.

Morning snack:

  • 1 carrot juice and two whole cookies.



  • vegetable soup with lettuce , celery, leeks, carrots, beets and green beans, a drop of extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt.
  • 1 boiled egg or 1 omelet.


Breakfast : _

  • 1 cup of skim milk with whole grains (they help fight constipation).

Morning snack:

  • 2 small raw carrots and 1 slice of wholegrain cracker.


  • Carrot cream,
  • 2 pieces of lean grilled meat,
  • 1 cooked apple  (you can also microwave it in three minutes).


  • tomato juice  and two whole cookies.


  • boiled cauliflower, seasoned with lemon juice and a little olive oil.
  • 1 grilled fish fillet, seasoned with herbs.


  • Sugar-free low-fat yogurt.



Morning snack:

  • Carrot Juice,
  • 1 slice of toasted bread and a low-fat cheese.


  • White rice  (one cup after cooking), with a side of sliced ​​cooked carrots.
  • 1 slice of grilled swordfish.
  • 1 skimmed yogurt.


  • Apple  and 2 whole cookies.


  • endive salad, grated carrots and watercress, topped with lemon , a drop of oil and a pinch of salt.
  • Fresh cheese with a spoon of honey.


Breakfast : _

  • skimmed milk,
  • 2 slices of wholemeal toast with a little honey.

Morning Snack :

  • 1 glass of tomato juice ;
  • 2 raw carrots;


  • mashed potatoes and carrots;
  • 1 grilled lean beef burger;
  • lettuce salad ;
  • 1 skimmed yogurt;

Afternoon snack:

  • Tea
  • 1 Slice of wholemeal bread.


  • Sauteed vegetables (chard, carrots and broccoli ) in a pan or in the oven.
  • Minced turkey breast (two slices).
  • Apple .



  • fruit salad with low-fat yogurt and two tablespoons of whole grain cereal.

Morning snack:

  • carrot juice and two low-fat cheeses.


  • lentils cooked with carrots, celery, leeks and onions.
  • Two slices of roast beef (roastbeef, fillet).


  • Tomato  and carrot juice with wholemeal biscuit.


  • steamed cod with grated carrots and boiled potatoes.
  • Fresh cheese.


Breakfast  : _

  • Carrot Juice.
  • 1 Slice of Wholemeal Toast.


  • Rice with vegetables.
  • Grilled fish.


  • Sugar-free, caffeine-free juice.


  • raw celery, turnips and carrots with low-fat cheese.
  • Grilled meat.


Breakfast : _

  • 1 carrot juice.



  • a cool drink with no caffeine and no sugar.


  • 1 carrot juice.
  • Fresh cheese with tomato salad .

The Carrot diet lasts for a week and thanks to this 1000 calorie menu you can lose 2 kilos.


1. Carrot Juice:



  • Soak the plums in coconut water for four hours.
  • Then, blend all the ingredients in a blender and serve.

2. Carrot Cream:


  • 700 g of carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 onion cut into rings;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 700 ml of vegetable broth;
  • 100 ml of fresh cream ;
  • 1 piece of grated ginger (50 g) to taste;
  • Salt and white pepper to taste.


  • Peel the carrot and cut it into pieces.
  • In a pan, melt the butter over high heat.
  • Add the onion and sauté for two minutes or until soft.
  • Add chopped carrots, bay leaves, hot vegetable stock and cook for 20 minutes or until carrots are tender.
  • Remove from heat and blend everything in a blender to obtain a homogeneous texture.
  • Return the contents to the pan and add the fresh cream and grated ginger .
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Let it boil for another five minutes.
  • Pass through a very fine sieve.


Along with the carrot diet , exercise is also a must, moreover, if you want to stay healthy and at the same time lose weight. A brisk walk twice a day will gradually reduce the weight. Carrot is the natural weight loss food to shed a few pounds and get in shape.

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