4 home tests to find out if you have candidiasis!

Home tests to find out if you have candidiasis in a simple and effective way. Also, it is helpful to have knowledge about what Candida fungus is and to do home tests to detect it in the body. Candidiasis in the body is a condition characterized by the infection of Candida species of fungus. It appears much more often in women, causing a vaginal infection called vaginal candidiasis or Candida vulvovaginitis.

Despite this, these types of infections are not limited to the female genital region. In men it can also affect the penis. And on a general level, you may have conditions in other areas such as the skin, mouth, esophagus, urinary tract, among others.

Types of candidiasis:

As already mentioned,  candidiasis  and its types can affect various areas of our body. Although it appears more frequently in women in their intimate area, men can get it too. So, some of the most common types of Candida fungi are:

  • Candidiasis on the Skin:  This is known as candidiasis intertrigo. They affect areas like the groin, armpits, under the breasts, among others.
  • Candidiasis in the mouth:  atrophic  oral candidiasis  and angular cheilitis. They affect the oral mucosa and the corners of the lips.
  • Candidiasis in the Reproductive System: It affects the vagina in the case of women. And it is an infection of the glans and foreskin of the penis.
  • Esophageal Candidiasis: This type causes inflammation in the esophagus. Sometimes with children, oral muget spreads and affects the esophagus.
  • Stomach Candidiasis: This type generates is uncommon. It occurs in very advanced cases of infections disseminated through the circulatory system. This directly affects the stomach.
  • Intestinal Candidiasis: Enteric Candida infection is a condition of the intestine usually associated with antibiotic treatment. Occurs infrequently.
  • Anal Candidiasis: Affects the outer surface of the anus and commonly spreads causing a cutaneous intertrigo.
  • Candidiasis in the Respiratory System:  affects the bronchi.
  • Candidiasis in the Excretory System: It  is the presence of the Candida fungus in the urine. It is a condition, sometimes without symptoms, that happens to healthy people.

What causes?

The conditions that cause candidiasis are varied. If some of them are given, they facilitate the proliferation of the fungus that causes candidiasis . However, there are several tests at home to detect it that will give us a more accurate result. Without further delay, some of these conditions are:

  • Wet or sweaty skin regions.
  • Wears the same clothes for several days.
  • Follow a diet rich in sugar and refined flours.
  • Consuming medications such as steroids, contraceptives or antibiotics for a long time.
  • Person with compromised immune system.

How is it detected?

The most efficient way to detect it is through its symptoms. In the case of candidiasis on the skin, mouth, anus and genitals, the symptoms are similar. It usually generates burning, stinging and swelling. However, the undisputed method to detect it is the laboratory test. Tissue analysis (biopsy) and other samples will determine whether or not the Candida fungus is producing these types of conditions.

How to get rid of it from your body?

There are several alternatives that would help us to eliminate the Candida fungus from our body. In addition to medicines, there are also home remedies for candidiasis that are very effective in ending this pathology. But the most important thing is to detect it to eliminate it. And one of the most viable ways to identify them is the home test to detect candida in the body.

1. Candidiasis Questionnaire:

It is a self-diagnostic procedure that can be used on both men and women. It consists of a series of questions that must be answered one by one. Although extensive, this questionnaire is an excellent indicator of candidiasis . It provides substantial information on whether Candida is becoming a problem that needs to be addressed.

Each question has a weight between 2, 4, 6 and 8 points. If the answer is yes, the points for each question are added. On the other hand, if it is negative, no points are added. The candidiasis questionnaire questions are:

  • Have you taken repeated or prolonged courses of antibiotics? Yes = 8 / No = 0
  • Do you have any hormonal disorders, such as premenstrual syndrome, lack of libido, low body temperature, or fatigue? Yes = 4 / No = 0
  • Do you have trouble remembering things or concentrating? Have you ever had the feeling of being absent? Yes = 4 / No = 0
  • Have you ever taken prolonged courses of corticosteroids or birth control pills for more than 2 years? Yes = 4 / No = 0
  • Do you feel sick but experts don’t have an effective diagnosis? Yes = 4 / No = 0
  • Do you have vaginal or prostatic problems such as itching and/or inflammation? Do you have urine infections? Yes = 6 / No = 0
  • Are there foods you haven’t liked so much lately? Yes = 2 / No = 0
  • Do you suffer from constipation , diarrhea , gas, bloating and/or abdominal pain? Yes = 2 / No = 0
  • Have you felt your skin itchy, tingling, burning, or a rash? Yes = 2 / No = 0
  • Do you have a white coating on your tongue when you wake up? Does any mucus bother to swallow? Yes = 2 / No = 0
  • Are you sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfumes, colognes or other chemical essences? Yes = 4 / No = 0


In men, 16 points or more indicate the risk of Candida overgrowth. A score of 22 or more suggests that the symptoms are most likely related to candidiasis. In women 20 or older indicates fungus growth. A score of 26 or higher reflects a high probability of candidiasis in the body.

2. Itching test:

This is a homemade way to know if you have a very popular thrush. It consists of recording how often a person who has the Candida fungus scratches an affected area. Some of the areas of the body that should be taken into account are:

  • Scalp.
  • Eyes.
  • Ears.
  • Hands, feet and fingers.
  • Age.
  • Genitals.
  • Among others.

It is recommended to record the results for two days, noting each time you scratch one of the mentioned areas. Although not a determining factor, itching is an indicator of possible thrush anywhere on the body.

2. Taste test:

It is performed by monitoring the amount of sugar we consciously or unconsciously consume in a given period of time. That’s because, unknowingly, the desire to eat more sweets may be linked to candidiasis . Specifically, for a fungal community in the digestive tract.

It is advisable to stop eating sweet foods for 72 hours and observe our condition after this period. The lack of frequently consumed sugar and its components can cause headache , fatigue or depression . If so, it is a possible symptom of candidiasis in our system.

3. Odor test:

Bad smell in the feet, armpits or at the level of the body usually indicates the presence of bacteria in the digestive system. It can also signal abnormal bacterial growth in the intestinal tract. If there is profuse burping, gas, bloating and malaise, this could be a warning sign for Candida fungus.

A healthy person, with a good digestive system and a good intestinal flora, usually does not suffer from these types of symptoms. They usually have a sweet-smelling breath, no gas problems, and normal body odor.

4. Saliva tests:

While it is not feasible to visit a doctor to get the correct diagnosis, it is possible to test at home to see if you have thrush or signs that show a possible infection. The test is very simple and should be done on an empty stomach:

  • In the morning when you wake up, fill a glass with water at room temperature;
  • Without having ingested anything yet, add a little saliva and spit it into the reserved glass of water;
  • Watch the water every 15 minutes for an hour;
  • If you can see small lines, strings or fibers that go from the surface of the water to the bottom of the glass with a dull, whitish color, then it could mean that you have  thrush .

General recommendations:

It is important that as soon as signs of a possible development of Candida (or  candidiasis ) are present, that a doctor is immediately consulted to indicate the most appropriate treatment for each case.

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