Caffeine or Taurine Which is Better?

Caffeine or Taurine Which is Better? Is Caffeine Better For You Than Taurine ? One thing most people don’t realize is that caffeine is a stimulant, where taurine is an amino acid.

Where is caffeine found?

Caffeine in its most common form is found in items most people use every day, such as coffee , soda, energy drinks, as well as aspirin and acetaminophen. Some athletes or those who work out on a consistent basis are known to utilize caffeine in some way, as they feel that it helps to increase their physical performance.

Caffeine and its effects

Caffeine in most cases is used as a stimulant to help increase mental alertness and focus, however it is also known to cause high blood pressure in individuals with heart problems. It also causes an increase in eye pressure for individuals suffering from glaucoma; this pressure rise usually lasts for about 90 minutes. If you are looking to consume caffeine for the purpose of mental alertness or the effect you feel it has on your physical performance in the gym, the safe recommendation is 250mg per day. A cup of brewed coffee can contain 95 to 200 mg of caffeine .


Taurine is an amino acid that also helps regulate the level of water and minerals in the blood. It is an ingredient most commonly found in meat, fish and breast milk. This is also one of the main ingredients you read about in energy drinks that are on the market today.

Up to 3000 milligrams of supplemental taurine per day is considered safe; if you consume more taurine then your body needs it throughout the day, it is simply excreted by the kidneys. An energy drink can have up to 2,000 mg of taurine in a can. In some cases, taurine is boosting mental and physical performance.

Moderation is the key

Moderation is key with this ingredient, as it is with most things. There is little information available on the effects of heavy or long-term taurine use. There are, however, some concerns about taurine being consumed by those who are pregnant and/or breastfeeding.

In some cases, with both caffeine and taurine, individuals have experienced rapid heart rates; if this is the case with you and continues, discontinue use and seek information from your personal physician. It is always recommended that you speak with your personal physician before adding any supplements to your daily routine.

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