16 health benefits of mulungu tea!
The benefits of mulungu tea are diverse as it has rich properties that favor the health of the human body . Mulungu (Erythrina mulungu) is a very beautiful looking tree, with orange coral flowers , common in central Brazil. It is very common to grow spontaneously. It has bark with different properties and is widely used in teas and various treatments.
In Brazil, its greatest application is in cases of stress and related to the nervous system, as it is known to stabilize the central nervous system. Mulungu can be purchased at health food stores as a plant or tincture.
Depending on where it is found, the mulungu can appear in many variations of the same species. So he can be known by other names. Among the main ones, we highlight the pocketknife, parrot’s beak and cork.
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Properties of mulungu tea:
The plant’s properties include its soothing, analgesic, diuretic, hypotensive, tranquilizing, antidepressant, antibacterial, antispasmodic, tonic and anti-inflammatory action. It is very effective in treating psychological problems related to stress and is known to stabilize the central nervous system.
Health benefits of mulungu tea:
1. Fights bloating:
This is one of the rich benefits of mulungu tea as it has diuretic properties, the tea fights swelling caused by fluid retention, as it stimulates the elimination of excess fluid through urine. However, it is important not to overconsumption and drink plenty of water , so as not to eliminate more liquid than necessary and risk dehydration.
2. Against emotional problems:
Mulungu tea has antidepressant and tranquilizing properties, being used as an aid in the treatment of problems such as hysteria, agitation, depression, panic attack, compulsion and sleep disorder .
3. Helps reduce pain:
This is another one of the excellent benefits of mulungu tea, a 2013 research carried out with rats indicated that mulungu extract can decrease the body ‘s sensitivity to painful stimuli. Another study, from 2003, published in the Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, free translation) also showed that the medicinal plant helps to reduce pain.
4. Improve memory:
Still in its primary phase, there are several studies focusing on the use of mulungu tea to treat heart problems, especially high blood pressure and palpitations. There’s also a strong and still-under-study relationship to the plant’s help with problems associated with memory.
5. Inhibits nicotine:
This is one of the rich benefits of mulungu tea for smokers. Studies reveal that mulungu bark has large amounts of flavonoids, alkaloids and triterpenes. Just to give you an example, erisodine, one of the alkaloids present in the plant’s bark, blocks nicotine receptors.
6. Helps in weight loss:
Because it has a diuretic action, tea can help you lose weight by fighting fluid retention, one of the most common problems for those who are overweight. And as it also treats stress and anxiety , it helps with diets for those who have food compulsion, and can be a huge help in the diet to lose weight .
7. Improves liver health:
As it has hepatoprotective action, this is another of the benefits of mulungu tea , that is, it is able to provide protection to the liver. In addition, its antioxidants help to tone and strengthen the body ‘s organs , including the liver itself. This means that it can be helpful for people suffering from liver problems.
8. Contraceptive:
Mulungu tea also has contraceptive action. “Tested by a university in Peru, it was found that the plant prevents the embryo from attaching to the wall of the uterus, used in some indigenous communities as a contraceptive .
9. It has an anticonvulsant effect:
This also being among the main benefits of mulungu tea . Research done in 2012 and published in the publication Epilepsy & Behavior (Epilepsy and Behavior, free translation) showed that a compound extracted from mulungu flowers can help inhibit seizures, in addition to producing mild anti-anxiety effects. The experiment was carried out with animals.
10. Against insomnia and anxiety:
Because it has soothing properties, mulungu tea serves as a home remedy for people who suffer from these types of problems. Research carried out with rats has already shown that mulungu extracts can help reduce anxiety levels .
Other health benefits of mulungu tea:
- The drink can still be consumed by people who suffer from everyday stress, as it has a calming effect.
- It has hypotensive action, that is, it promotes the reduction of blood pressure .
- It can help regulate heart rate and bring blood pressure lowering effect .
- It acts as an aid in the fight against smoking, because it is composed of erisodine, an alkaloid substance found in the bark of mulungu, which has a blocking action on nicotine receptors.
- Mulungu tea is also endowed with antibacterial, tonic, analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action.
- It helps in the treatment of other health conditions: such as hepatitis, sclerosis, high blood pressure , cystitis (inflammation and infection in the bladder), urinary insufficiency, gingivitis, asthmatic bronchitis, whooping cough (respiratory tract disease), coughs and rheumatic pains.
God tea recipe:
After knowing a little about mulungu, it’s time to learn how to make its tea. Oh! It is worth remembering that, before including it in your routine, the doctor should be consulted. This will certify its use and avoid possible health complications.
– 200 ml of filtered water ;
– 4g of mulungu trunk bark.
Preparation method:
- To start the preparation you will need a pan with a lid. Take the container to the fire with the water . As soon as it starts to bubble, turn off the heat and add the mulungu peel.
- Let the mixture rest for about 10 minutes. After this time, use a sieve to separate the mulungu husk from the tea. Drink the tea while it is still warm, preferably three times a day. Avoid taking it for more than three days in a row.
God tea side effects:
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Side effects of mulungu include sedation, drowsiness, and muscle paralysis. Also, mulungu is contraindicated for people using antihypertensive medications as it can greatly lower blood pressure and cause hypotension .