Benefits of L-Glutamine for the Immune System!

The benefits of L-Glutamine may be a mystery to you. But trust us, this underrated amino acid offers plenty. Known to relieve excess bloating , L-Glutamine can help you relieve day-to-day bloating. It also improves your immune system as well as your gastrointestinal health.

What is l-glutamine?

“L-glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in blood and muscle cells. It is classified as a conditionally essential amino acid, meaning that the body is normally able to manufacture enough to meet its metabolic needs.

But under certain conditions, additional glutamine may be needed. For example, during intense exercise, glutamine levels decrease, which means more glutamine will be needed. As the body is in need and cannot produce enough of it (although it can be produced by the body), it is necessary to supplement with glutamine to help meet the body’s demands.

What are the benefits of taking glutamine?

Glutamine is a source of energy for intestinal and immune cells. It also helps maintain the barrier between the intestines and the rest of the body and helps in the proper growth of intestinal cells.

One of the most important functions of glutamine is its role in the immune system. It is a critical source of fuel for immune cells, including white blood cells and certain intestinal cells (14). However, your blood levels may decrease due to serious injury, burns, or surgery.

Additionally, glutamine has multiple functions, including supporting immunity, gastrointestinal integrity,  insulin secretion , neurological activity, and muscle protein synthesis. Glutamine provides 35% nitrogen to the muscle to synthesize proteins.

This, in turn, will promote protein synthesis. Why is it important? Well, maintaining a high nitrogen balance in the muscle prevents muscle breakdown by retaining more muscle. That equates to a slimmer you! As you are thinner, you have less body fat; therefore, in essence, glutamine can help reduce body fat in general.

How much should I take?

An effective dosage would be around 10g per day. You can go up about 30g, depending on whether or not there are digestive issues.

Side effects?

While L-glutamine supplementation is generally considered safe for most people, there are some who should avoid it. People with kidney disease, liver disease, or Reye’s syndrome, a serious condition that can cause the liver and brain to swell, should avoid taking L-glutamine supplements

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