10 benefits of guava leaf tea – how to use it and what it is for!

Guava leaf tea has a property composed of polyphenolics, antioxidant ,  flavonoid , tannin, saponin and other active compounds.

This tea is high in vitamin C , as these leaves contain a valuable compound that allows us to reap its benefits.

What is guava leaf tea for?

Guava leaf tea serves to treat diarrhea , cold and flu , lower cholesterol , prevent diabetes and even exhibit anti-cancer properties.

Benefits of Guava Leaf Tea:

1. Promotes weight loss:

Guava leaf tea prevents complex carbohydrates from being converted into sugar, which stimulates appetite and helps with weight loss .

2. Treats gastrointestinal diseases:

This tea also contains antibacterial properties that prevent the development of microbes in the intestinal system. It also reduces the production of mucus, which can irritate the entire digestive system.

3. Fights cancer:

Guava contains a high concentration of antioxidants and lycopene, so it helps protect against carcinogenic free radicals .

4. Treat colds and bronchitis:

Bronchitis and cold can be treated with guava leaf tea . This drink has a high concentration of vitamin C and iron which helps to prevent the formation of mucus and the spread of any microbial activity.

5. Treats insect bites:

This drink can also help with bug bites and rashes, which can cause other problems like allergies.

6. Relieves mouth inflammation:

Guava leaf has antibacterial properties that help protect the gums and teeth from any inflammation in the mouth.

7. Remedy for acne and blackheads:

Guava leaf tea has vitamin C and antioxidant that help treat and prevent   acne, blackheads and pimples .

8. Slows down aging:

Guava   leaf tea can prevent premature aging , wrinkles and blemishes and increases skin elasticity, thanks to the presence of antioxidants like flavonoids and tannins.

9. Prevents hair loss:

Hair loss can be prevented naturally with the help of this tea as it is a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients, which promotes hair growth.

  • Therefore, to prevent hair loss , you can boil guava leaves in a liter of water for about 20 minutes, then let it cool.
  • Then apply the mixture to the scalp and massage well.

10. Promotes Healthy Digestion:

This tea is rich in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion. It serves as an excellent laxative, aids the body and restores the digestive system.

How to make guava leaf tea?


  1. Take 6 guava leaves.
  2. Wash these leaves well.
  3. Then boil the leaves with about 1 liter of water .
  4. Then boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Then, strain and drink.
  6. You can add some honey as a sweetener.

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